Page 65 of Always Mine (Roommate Duet 5)
She shakes her head at my last comment and takes them to help me hang my shirts. “Teaching more classes instead of having to find something else would be nice. The kids adore you, and you’re so good with them. Plus, you can dance in your sleep.”
“Yep. Work smarter, not harder, right? Since I’ll be busy, maybe it’ll at least keep my mind off Liam.” I snicker, grabbing his clothes and slamming them into the empty hamper.
Her laughter is contagious, and soon, I’m laughing too. “I don’t think anything will be able to do that.”
“I can try, though.” I grin as walk out of my room with Liam’s shit in tow. He’s crazy if he thought I was going to fold them too. Sophie goes to the kitchen as I take the stairs two at a time and dump his pile on his bed. I’m so going to get him for that.
“You should put on some clothes,” Liam tells me while he eats cereal at the kitchen table. I’ve caught him staring at my breasts several times since I got them pierced. They’re healed enough now that I don’t have to wear the padding, and the outline of the barbells show through. The first time he noticed, he nearly choked to death on his beer. Sophie laughed so hard she fell off the couch. It’s a moment I’ll never forget because it solidified that he’s still attracted to me and is just fighting it for whatever reason. It was one hundred percent worth the pain of getting them done.
“It’s late June, and it’s hot as hell outside. Sports bras and booty shorts are my summer attire. Should be used to it by now, Hulk.” Classes finished six weeks ago, so now that I’m always home, we see each other a lot more. Liam still makes overnight trips when he’s working, but he hasn’t gone to Vegas since he bought his expensive new car. Or at least he hasn’t mentioned it. I’m not sure if that means he’s done with gambling or what, but I like that he’s staying closer to home.
I adjust the ponytail that’s high on my head and pretend to wipe sweat from my brow. I’m being a tad dramatic, but it really is miserable outside. Utah summers aren’t anything like California, and I haven’t fully adjusted to it regardless of being here for a few of years.
“You’re not outside, and the air conditioning is on,” he states, but I ignore him and don’t respond to his comment. It’s nice and cool in the house, which is why he can see everything through the material. Now that school is out, I practice my dance techniques at home so I stay fresh and am ready for the fall when I start back up again. Wearing clothes that fit like a second skin is the most comfortable when stretching and working on my form.
When I catch him staring, I grin with an eyebrow popped. “Don’t look if it bothers you so much.”
He smirks, shakes his head, and finishes eating. Grabbing some oatmeal from the pantry, I decide to make it the old-fashioned way on the stove. I halfway wonder if I should cook some for Sophie too because she didn’t feel well this morning and stayed home from work. While it’s simmering, I open the fridge and take out some bacon. Liam stands and places his empty bowl in the sink, then rinses it. I’m trying my best to ignore him, though it seems nearly impossible when I feel his gaze burning holes in me. Realizing I need a pan too, I try to reach around him to grab one but fail miserably.
“Mads,” he says, his voice cracking as he stands beside me.
“What’s up?” I glance at him, noticing the fire in his eyes—the look that gives away how he really feels. Though things have been iffy between us, he’s his old self right now—the man who kissed me on my birthday and who watched me so intently as I danced. Right now, my Liam is standing beside me, close enough to touch and taste.
Turning around, I search his face and narrow my eyes, wanting him to spill whatever’s on his mind, but he says nothing. Instead, he carefully pulls me toward him, and my heart races at the serious way he’s looking at me.
Liam’s fingertips brush my cheek, and my eyes flutter closed as I melt into his gentle touch. Before I can whisper a word, his lips are pressed to mine, devouring me as I wrap my arms around his neck. A moan escapes me as he kisses me softly, then rough and hard. I want more of him. I want all of him. The next thing I know, my body is against the island. He drags his lips across my skin, and I feel his growing erection against my stomach. Liam pulls away slightly to catch his breath, but I greedily pull his mouth back to mine.