Page 38 of Always Mine (Roommate Duet 5)
“Yes! Wow…you all brought your A games today!” Annie praises, making us smile before she adds, “Let’s do it again.”
An hour passes and we run through three different routines before class is over. I’m sweating so badly, but I’ll only have time to wipe a towel over my face. I always have toiletries in my backpack so I can freshen up, but a shower will have to wait until I get home later.
“Killed it, Mads,” Joel says, giving me a high five and a boyish grin.
“You too.” I grin, then remember I have to cancel our study date. “Oh, before I forget. Can we reschedule our plans? I’m hoping to visit my sister tonight. Hopefully, she pops the baby out before midnight.” I laugh, but I’ll wait with her as long as it takes, even if it means I’ll be a zombie tomorrow.
“Of course, no problem. Are you gonna want a baby now too?” he teases as we make our way out of the building. I have calculus next, and he’s going to his chemistry class, so this is where we part for the day.
“Are you kidding? According to my sisters, I’m still a baby.”
Joel snorts. “And you’ll always be because you’re the youngest.”
“Yeah, yeah.” I roll my eyes, knowing the truth of his words all too well. No matter what I do, my family will always see me that way.
“Well, just text me when you wanna reschedule. Midterms are next week,” he reminds me, and I panic slightly, knowing I need to study.
“I know. We’ll squeeze it in,” I reassure him along with myself, then we wave goodbye, and I head across campus.
By five, I’m anxious as hell to see Lennon, so I’m relieved when Sophie’s car rounds the corner.
“Get in, loser, we’re having a baby,” she says out the window, coming to a complete stop.
“You know you’re not cool enough to say that,” I tell her, hopping in the back since Liam’s in the passenger side, which is surprising, considering he’s been so reclusive lately.
“I beg to differ,” she says as she drives back on the road. “I’m way cool.”
“Well, then my super cool sister won’t mind taking me to get some food first and pay for it?” I grin, batting my eyelashes at her when she looks through the rearview mirror.
“That might work on Liam, but it doesn’t work on me.”
“That’s only because Liam is always hungry,” I counter.
“Liam’s right here,” he says, looking over his shoulder and scanning his eyes down my body before his gaze meets mine. I arch a brow, and he flashes a cocky grin, then shrugs. I’m still in my leotard and tights, looking like I’ve been working out all day, and I kinda have.
Pretty sure he’s the most confusing man alive.
“Well, Liam isn’t driving, and Lennon’s about to have the baby,” Sophie says, unaware of how he’s staring at me.
I make a big show of rolling my eyes, but she ignores me, and I try to ignore him. Things between Liam and I have been weird and rocky over the past few years, to say the least. One minute, we’re just friends, and the next, he’s kissing me on my twenty-first birthday. Of course, we don’t discuss it; that’d require emotions and sharing feelings, and Liam doesn’t do either. But it’s a kiss I can’t stop thinking about, and I wonder if he ever does.
Sophie drives like she’s on a racetrack, and we arrive at the hospital just as Lennon starts pushing. Liam and I sit next to each other in the waiting room while Sophie goes into the delivery room with Hunter. I witnessed Alison popping out, and that was enough to traumatize me for life. Watching that was the only birth control I’ll ever need. I’ll gladly go in as soon as the baby boy is here.
“So why’d you come anyway?” I ask as he scrolls on his phone. “Didn’t think babies were your thing?”
“My thing?” he muses. “Their first kid is pretty cool. This one will be too.”
“Alison,” I correct. “And since when do you like children?”
He finally looks over at me, a smirk painted on his lips. “Well, you were seventeen when I met you so…a few years, I guess.”
I scowl, confused and annoyed by his odd comment. “That’s ridiculous! I was almost eighteen, thank you very much.”
Wait. Did he just say he liked me? I’m not sure how to take his little statement.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Adult child,” he corrects.
I jab my elbow in his ribs, and he yelps. “You’re the only adult child in this room.”
“You excited to be an aunt again?” He abruptly changes the subject, giving me whiplash.
“Of course. Waiting for Sophie’s announcement soon,” I say, chuckling.
“My money’s on a honeymoon baby. Hundred bucks she’s knocked up by Christmas.”
“That’s a nine-month window.” I cross my arms and legs. “I’m not making that bet.”