Page 26 of Always Mine (Roommate Duet 5)
Liam glances at me and shakes his head. “I’m not giving you booze now, so don’t even ask.”
“Oh, I don’t need you, Hulk. I can Uber to the bar and order it myself at midnight.” I shrug as if I don’t care either way. I somehow finish the chapter about Earth’s geological subsystems and close my book as he plays on his phone. “Guess I better get dressed.”
“Absolutely not,” he snaps.
“We’ll see,” I tell him, pulling my phone from my pocket and checking the time before packing all my books into my backpack.
“You have school tomorrow,” he says as if that’ll make me change my mind.
“And I’ll skip.” I shrug and stand, but he doesn’t even crack a smile. “Oh come on, don’t tell me you’ve never missed class because you’d be lying. I know better.”
There’s nothing he can say, and he knows it. “I’ll tell your sisters.”
This has me giggling. “They don’t control me.” I take a few steps forward and lean over until my face is close to his. “And neither do you, Dad.”
He swallows hard as I pull away and walk to my bedroom. I grab clothes, head upstairs, and take a shower. After I put on some makeup, I change into a pair of black leather pants and a crop top. Once I’m completely ready, I make my way downstairs where Liam is still sitting on the couch.
When my foot hits the bottom step, his eyes scan up and down my body before he stands and stalks toward me. “You’re not going out like that alone. It’s way too dangerous.”
My eyes meet his. “If you’re so concerned about my well-being, then join me. However, I’m going with or without you, so the decision is yours, Hulk.”
I walk away, shaking my hips since I know he’s watching me. Once inside my room, I lean against the wooden door, trying to calm my erratically beating heart. He’s always had that effect on me. While I don’t want to go alone, I will, but I have a feeling he’s coming.
Before scheduling an Uber, I grab my driver’s license and cash, then tuck them into my back pocket. Just as I’m opening the app, a knock echoes.
“Mads.” I hear from the other side.
“Come in,” I say.
Liam enters. “I’m taking you out.”
A sly smile slides across my lips. “Like a date?”
He shakes his head, rolling his eyes. “Call it whatever you want, but you’re not going alone.”
I loop my arm in his. “Thanks, Hulk. We’re gonna have fun!” I squeal. “I’ve always wanted my own personal bodyguard.” I know this is another chance to break through his hard shell, and I almost feel bad for baiting him. If Liam didn’t care about me as anything more than just a friend, he wouldn’t give two shits if I went solo. This just proves he does and is holding back, for whatever reason, and I’m determined to figure out why.
Liam drives us across town to the bar where he used to work as a bouncer in college, and we get in without being ID’d. Every guy we walk past takes a second glance at me, and while I love all the attention, I enjoy the glares Liam throws at them more. It’s as if I’m his, and he’s telling the whole place to back the fuck off, which I’m totally okay with.
Liam goes straight to the bar and orders a beer but refuses to buy me a drink until midnight, so I take him by the hand and lead him to the dance floor. He’s stiff as a board as I move around him, which makes me laugh.
“Loosen up,” I say, placing his rough hands on my hips, but that only causes him to tense more.
“I’m not used to dancing with a professional,” he teases when he accidentally steps on my toes. I think he’s actually nervous, which I find absolutely adorable. He had no problem keeping up with me when we first met, but that’s one night we can’t relive.
The next song is a fast beat remix, and I take the opportunity to get even closer to him, rubbing my ass against him. When I feel his grip tighten on my hips, I turn around and face him. His eyes are full of fire and lust, and it only encourages me to keep going. We dance for nearly an hour before he mutters a single word.
“Mads,” he whispers as the song ends, and I wrap my arms around his neck. Our bodies press together, and I can feel how hard he is. “I think I need another drink.”
“What time is it?” I ask, smiling as I continue moving my body.
Without responding, he grabs my hand and leads me through the crowd. Liam and I make our way to the bar, and while he’s placing his order, a guy comes and stands on the other side of me. He starts flirting, then asks if I want to dance. Considering I can’t drink yet, and he’s cute as hell, I tell Liam I’ll be back.