Page 19 of Always Mine (Roommate Duet 5)
“Don’t worry, you can stay here as long as you need to,” Sophie tells me, and I know Mason will agree. I’m not so sure about Liam at this point, but either way, he’s outnumbered.
I let out a sigh of relief. “Well, I’m glad because I have nowhere else to go, and I’ve been sleeping in your room. Also, I’m broke as fuck so…” I shrug because they’ve already heard me complain about all of this at some point. “Now.” I grab her hand and yank her closer so I can get a better look. “Let me see this rock.”
“Isn’t it stunning?” she asks proudly. It’s a beautiful double halo diamond, and if I remember correctly, it cost a small fortune. It was one of Sophie’s favorite designs.
“Yeah, it’s perfect.” I give Mason a look and grin. “Wonder how he knew what you liked?”
“No clue.” Mason shrugs. “Guess I’m just that good.”
I want to smack that sly smirk right off his face. “Oh, don’t even play!” I say, pushing a finger into his chest. “You’re welcome.”
“Pfft. I would’ve figured it out, ya know?” Mason gives me a wink, and I know he’s thankful.
We continue joking around, and I pick on him about having me as his sister. Eventually, Mason says he has to get ready for work in the morning and gives Sophie googly eyes. “Guess you’re sleeping with me tonight…” he tells Sophie, waggling his brows, but I already know she’s been sleeping in his bed for a while.
“Oh hell, I’m gonna need earplugs, aren’t I?” I groan, crossing my arms, but I’m happy for them. They make the cutest couple in the world and totally give Hunter and Lennon a run for their money.
After we’re done chatting, Sophie takes her suitcase and walks toward her room, and I know it’s because she wants to chat in private.
“So did you tell Lennon about the proposal?” I ask, following her.
“Not yet,” she says as she starts unpacking her bag. I watch her, the smile not fading from her face since the moment she came home engaged.
“How do you think Mom and Dad will react?” I ask, sitting on the bed as she tosses her dirty clothes into an empty hamper. I don’t even give her time to answer as I contemplate my own situation. “You two are really making it hard for me. By the time I have a baby or get married, they’re going to be expecting the worst.”
She laughs and shrugs. “Perks of being the little sister.”
“They’re not perks! But maybe that means they won’t give me any shit for anything I do. You two will have worn them down by then.”
I think about Lennon getting pregnant before the motorcycle accident that killed Brandon, Alison’s father. Then Sophie with her crazy ex who pulled a gun and ended up getting shot, the kidnapping, moving in with Mason, and now she’s engaged. It’s been a hell of a year for her.
“See? There ya go. You’re welcome,” she says before grabbing her now full hamper and walking out of her room.
When she returns, she mentions Lennon putting our parents in their place when they found out she was pregnant out of wedlock and how it has toned down their overbearing. Concern still covers her face, though.
“It’s the being engaged before they met Mason that might hurt them. But it’s not like it’s on purpose. We don’t live in Utah, so it makes it harder to just introduce them to the guys we’re dating.”
I nod and grin. “Well, and if you factor in the first time you guys hooked up, you’ve been dating for over three years.”
“Ha-ha, funny. I’m not going to tell them that, and neither are you.” She points her finger at me. “They know our story, and once they do get to meet him, I have no doubt they’ll love him.”
I think back to the first time I met Liam and realize our story is so similar to Mason and Sophie’s, but I don’t dare admit that. Instead, I push the thoughts away and try to bury them.
“They totally will,” I reassure. “I really am so excited for you guys. You two deserve it so much.”
I stand and wrap my arms around her, giving Sophie a big hug. I love my sister and want her to be happy more than anything. Having a man who truly loves her is everything she’s ever deserved. When we pull away, I can see the happiness in her eyes, sparkling like the diamonds on her finger.
“Thank you. I’m still in shock, I think. But it was awesome to spend the weekend together just the two of us, so…thanks for not calling.” She bursts out laughing when I scrunch my nose at her. “Oh, I bet you loved being here alone with Liam anyway.”