Page 117 of Always Mine (Roommate Duet 5)
“I can get a paternity test, and once it’s proven they aren’t mine, your father will let me off the hook to divorce you. So, I hope you get your trust fund soon because the truth is about to be revealed, and your little plan will burn to ash.”
“Oh sweet, naïve, Liam,” she purrs. “Nice try.” Victoria pats my cheek as if she knows something I don’t. “I know you’re fucking Maddie behind my back. My security team has all the proof I need to show Daddy what you’ve been up to this last month.” She takes a step closer, getting in my face. “You cross me, and it won’t be just your and Maddie’s life in danger. It’ll be your father’s, too.”
“You fucking bitch,” I spit, my hands balling into fists to try to control my anger. “You’re the one who’s had me followed.” It all makes sense now and how she found my father. She wanted more ways to blackmail me, and now she has it. If Johnny finds out I’ve been unfaithful in our sham of a fucking marriage, he won’t think twice about finishing the job he set out to do in the first place. I’ll be seen as an outsider who knows too much. But now she’s brought my dad into this, an added level of security to keep me where she wants me.
“You catch on quickly, honey. Better start packing. We leave for Vegas tomorrow.”
After I take my father home, I go back and tell Victoria to stay in my room so I can handle my roommates. I know they’re going to have a hundred questions, and I’d rather they hear Victoria’s version of the truth from me than her. I really need a few minutes with Maddie, but her bedroom door is locked. Fuck.
Mason and Sophie are in the kitchen, and after I tell them I’m leaving for Vegas in the morning, Sophie gives me an evil glare. This surprise visit from Victoria looks suspicious since they knew I was scheduled to fly out next week. Maddie’s told me she thinks Sophie knows we’ve been sneaking around, but both of us have denied it, so I keep up the act that I’m happily married and in love with Victoria.
“Dude, twins? Wow!” Mason gives me a back slap and congratulates me. “You really have to leave so quickly, though?”
“She wants to announce it to her family in person.” I shrug. “I’ll be back in a week, though.”
“For how long?” Sophie asks.
“I don’t know,” I answer honestly. “We have some things to figure out first.”
She looks at me as if she’s not buying it, but I don’t want to poke the bear, so I excuse myself.
We say our good nights, but instead of going to Maddie’s room again, I decide to text her.
Liam: Please talk to me before I have to go. Let me explain.
She doesn’t respond.
Liam: I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you she was pregnant. I should have, but things were going so well, and I didn’t want to fuck up what we had. Screwing things up between us is my biggest fear, and I guess a part of me just wanted to live in our happy bubble without any of the outside noise and drama.
Again, no response.
Liam: I’m 99% positive they aren’t mine. We’ve had sex once since the ceremony, and I used a condom. The chances are low. Even if by some miracle they are, it doesn’t change how I feel about you. Please know that.
I can see that she’s read the texts and go to my last resort to get her to speak to me. Even if it’s to tell me off, I need to know where her head is.
Liam: You promised, Maddie. You promised that no matter what, you were mine, and I was yours.
That finally gets her attention. The jumping dots on the screen have me holding my breath.
Maddie: That was before you knocked up your WIFE, asshole. Fuck off. Go to Vegas and stay there this time.
She has every right to be pissed, and I can’t argue or sweet-talk my way out of this. Nothing I say will fix this, and I have to go through with whatever Victoria says, or she’ll serve me to her father on a fucking golden platter.
Liam: I am so sorry.
It’s all I can say to her. I had no idea Victoria was going to show up and blow everything up in my face, but I can only blame myself for not telling her.
I go to bed with my heart in my throat, not knowing what the hell is going to happen to us now. I hardly sleep but finally pass out sometime around three in the morning. When I wake up at eight, Victoria’s not in bed next to me.
I hear the shower running and hope it’s Victoria in there. Deciding to go find Maddie, I head downstairs and knock on her door.