Page 103 of Always Mine (Roommate Duet 5)
She snickers as I turn off the lights except for the lamp on her nightstand. “No promises.”
We get under the blankets, and I hold her to my chest. Maddie wraps her arm around my waist and snuggles against me. It’s almost comical that it feels like the most natural thing in the world. Pushing her away for all these years was for her benefit, but now I’m so damn addicted, I never want to leave her.
“Liam…” Maddie whispers, shaking my shoulder until I blink and open my eyes. “It’s five a.m. You have to get out of here.”
“Shit,” I mutter, wiping a hand over my face. “I fell asleep.”
She laughs. “Who knew you were a snuggler.”
“Shut up.” I cackle. Reluctantly, I slide out, then cover Maddie back up. Leaning down, I grip her chin and give her a single kiss.
Quietly, I make my way to my room without waking anyone and pass out as soon as I get into bed.
A dip in the mattress wakes me, but I’m too tired to move. Wet lips graze my jaw and neck, and I smile as Maddie straddles my hips, grinding her sweet body against my cock.
“What are you doing?” I half-laugh, half-groan. Gripping her waist, I dig my fingers into her hips so she stops rocking.
“They left hours ago, so now I’m coming for what I want,” she answers matter-of-factly. “Take off your clothes.”
My eyes fly open at her authoritative tone. She’s on top of me and still wearing what she had on last night, which is hardly anything at all.
“I trust you, Liam. I know you’ll go slow and won’t hurt me.”
“Maddie.” I grind my teeth, leaning up on my elbows. “We don’t have to rush this.”
“I don’t think three years is rushing,” she taunts.
“You know what I mean.” I pin her with my gaze.
“Liam, I want you,” she states assertively. “You’re all I’ve wanted, and before you change your mind, I’m taking what I want this time.”
My brows furrow at her words. Does she seriously think I could walk away from her now?
“Mads, listen.” I pull her to my side and cup her face. “Don’t for one second think I don’t want you as much as you want me, because I fucking do. So goddamn much. But we can’t go from kissing to having sex. When it comes to you, this means so much more. It wouldn’t be just a physical act to me.”
She meets my eyes, expressionless as she studies my features. Contemplating her next words, she chews on her bottom lip, then nods. “You’re right. I guess I’m scared you’ll walk away, and I’ll be left to pick up the pieces of what you leave behind.”
I pull her closer and kiss her taunting lips. “I know I don’t have the greatest track record, and I’ve let you down for a long time, but Maddie, I swear I’m not going anywhere. Shit is complicated as hell, but I’m staying wherever you are.”
“Until she comes back,” she mutters, blowing out a frustrated breath.
“And I’m doing everything I can to keep her away. Trust me.”
She nods. “Okay.”
Maddie and I spend the afternoon together—out of my bedroom—hanging out, cooking, and watching TV. When the roommates are due back, I work on my laptop until dinnertime and act like I’ve been sleeping all day. My schedule is inconsistent enough for them not to know any better. Researching fugitives can take days before I actually get a lead, so the majority of my time is spent behind the computer screen.
Tyler continues to text me, explaining he’s working on a plan to help, but he won’t tell me what it is. I’m not sure what the hell it could be, and though I trust him, I also worry about him. The man likes trouble, though it’s usually for the greater good like helping out a friend.
Liam: You alive still?
Tyler: I’m made of fucking steel.
I chuckle at his overconfidence. Still, I’m glad to hear it.
Liam: Better keep it that way…whatever you’re doing.
Tyler: You just worry about your woman over there, and I’ll worry about the bitch here.
I don’t like the sound of that. He knows I’ve told Maddie everything, and that we’re sneaking around, which he scolded me for since it’s an added risk. All shit I already knew.
Liam: When do I get to know what you’re up to?
Tyler: When the time is right.
I roll my eyes but can’t even be mad at him.
Liam: Better be soon.
Tyler: Just promise me that if I go off the radar for a bit, you won’t come looking for me. Okay?
Liam: WTF, man?
Tyler: I gotta go. I’ll text you when I can.
I shake my head, more curious than worried because I know Tyler can take care of himself. Like clockwork, I join Maddie in her bed once Mason and Sophie go to sleep and head back to my room before they get up for work. It’s a hardship to leave her, but as soon as she wakes up and the house is clear, she slides under the sheets next to me.