Page 101 of Always Mine (Roommate Duet 5)
“What?” I ask, confused as I go to the fridge.
“Nothing. How was work?” Sophie asks, looking down at her plate.
“Shitty as usual. But I got to taser one guy, so that was a highlight of my day.” Chuckling, I grab a beer and twist off the cap then chug half of it before taking a breath.
“I put your mail on the counter over there,” Mason says, jerking his head toward it. “Something from the State of Nevada arrived for you.”
“Ooookay.” I narrow my eyes, curiosity building inside me at how weird they’re acting.
“It’s your marriage license,” Sophie blurts out, and Mason scolds her with wide eyes. “What? You know we all looked.”
Maddie keeps her eyes down, and I hate the position I’ve put her in.
“Alright, so?” I shrug, then finish off my drink.
“Are you moving there, or is she moving here?” Sophie asks.
“Neither. We both have responsibilities and jobs. We’ll do long distance,” I explain.
“That makes no sense.” Sophie scoffs. “Why even get married then?”
“Why are you interrogating me?” I slam the bottle down harder than I mean to. “Why do you care so much?”
“You know damn well why…” she hisses, shooting murderous glares at me.
Before I can respond, Maddie stands, and the sound of her chair scraping across the floor has us staring at her. “Can you both just shut the fuck up?” She walks around the island and sets her plate in the sink. “Sophie, worry about your own relationship. Liam, go live with your wife so we can stop this bullshit fighting.”
Her words sting, and the hurt expression on her face is so convincing, I don’t know if she’s being serious or if it’s a part of the act to keep them from finding out about us. I wish I could reach out to her when she walks out of the kitchen, but I keep my feet planted.
“Are you happy now?” Sophie shakes her head and stands.
“Leave him alone,” Mason tells her. “It’s his business and life. Maddie’s a big girl. She’ll be okay.”
“I know she will,” Sophie states. “But I was the one who picked her up off the bathroom floor when Liam barged in with the news. You hurt my sister with your stupid little games, and that’s unforgivable.”
Sophie walks out, but Mason stays behind. I already feel like absolute shit and don’t need to hear it from him too. When he grabs two beers and hands me one, we sit at the table in silence.
“She’ll come around,” he finally says. “They both will.”
I shrug, not wanting to discuss this anymore. “I risked my life to save Sophie. She should know me better than the monster she’s painting me to be.”
When Sophie’s ex-boyfriend’s brother kidnapped her, I barged in and shot him before he could shoot her. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for the people I care about. While she thinks I’ve betrayed them, it’s better than the truth getting out.
“You didn’t just hurt Maddie. You hurt Soph too,” he tells me before tossing his empty bottle. “She thought you were two were close friends, and hell, sometimes I thought you were closer than we were, but you never told us you met someone. Or that you were even dating Victoria. So, you blindsided all of us.”
“I’m sorry about that. I had my reasons for doing what I did, but I know it’s no excuse. I’m sincerely sorry I hurt any of you. It wasn’t deliberate.”
“I know you well enough to know you’d never intentionally do anything to betray your friends. Give Soph time. The added stress of the wedding is fucking with her emotions, and taking it out on you is her way of coping with her feelings.”
“I understand,” I say, nodding. “Thanks, man.”
He nods before walking out, and I’m left alone in the kitchen. Mason and Sophie hang out upstairs before bed every night, so they’ll be up there for the rest of the evening. I decide to take a shower and change into comfy clothes before tiptoeing downstairs and walking to Maddie’s room.
Before knocking, I decide to send her a text first.
Liam: You want company tonight?
She responds seconds later.
Maddie: No.
My heart sinks, and the realization that everything is fucked up hits me right in the gut.
Liam: I’m 99% confident I can do a better job than BOB.
Maddie: I’m willing to risk that 1%.
Rolling my eyes, I’m not in the mood to play her game right now. I’m exhausted and need confirmation that she’s not really upset with me.
Liam: Open the door, Mads.
Instead of replying with another snarky text, Maddie opens the door in only booty shorts and a sports bra. “Yes? Can I help you, sir?” she singsongs in a high-pitched customer service voice.
“As a matter of fact, you can.” Taking a step inside, I force her to move back, then kick the door shut. Then I grip her waist and pull her to my chest. “You can use that sassy mouth of yours for better things than running it.”