Page 90 of Never Marry Your Brother's Best Friend (Never Say Never)
“Me?” Luna squeaks.
“With another man.” Claire locks eyes on me, hungry for my reaction to finding out my wife was with another man. “She kissed him.”
She enunciates it, wanting to make sure there’s no room for misunderstanding. Luna barks out a laugh of shock, but fury shoots through me. Not at the idea of Luna kissing another man because I trust Luna, but at Claire taking some kind of sick, twisted pleasure in thinking she’s going to hurt me and Luna.
“Did this dinner happen to be at Capitol Chophouse?” I guess, narrowing my eyes to gauge Claire’s reaction now. A little turnabout is fair play, I think.
“Yes, it’s quite nice there. The sort of place you take someone when you want to impress them. Like a date, maybe?” Claire’s suggestion shows that she’s given this lots of thought, considering all the different reasons Luna might be having a nice dinner out with someone.
“Oh! I went to Capitol Chophouse with—” Luna starts to explain, but I place my hand on her knee, squeezing hard, and she stops instantly, though she looks at me questioningly.
I look back at Luna gently, trying to tell her to stay with me here, and then turn an angry glare to Claire. Clenching my jaw, I grit out, “Can you tell me what you saw? Exactly.”
“Oh, honey. Don’t you worry,” Elena tries to soothe me, misjudging the target of my anger. Or maybe she’s trying to protect her niece, I’m not sure which.
“Of course I can.” Claire’s delight is obvious, glee filling her eyes and voice. “There I was, minding my own business, when I saw sweet, innocent Luna with another man. He was older than her—guess she has a type, huh? With brown hair and black glasses. Ring any bells?” she asks. When I stay silent, she continues, giving more details. “They were talking very close, almost intimately, I’d say. And then your wife leaned in even closer and kissed the guy on the cheek, sort of lingering there like she wanted more.”
She makes it sound salacious, like Luna and this guy were making out at the table, but I seriously doubt that.
“Blech.” Luna makes a retching noise beside me. “That’s disgusting.”
Her outburst interrupts Claire’s gloating storytelling, and Claire looks from me to Luna in confusion. I chuckle, and after a pat of Luna’s thigh, I pull out my phone and find a picture of Zack and me on a recent night out. I turn the phone around so Claire can see the picture. “This the guy?” When Claire nods eagerly, I laugh a little harder. “This is Zack, my best friend.”
“Oh, that’s awful,” she says, seemingly sympathetic as she shakes her head, but the glint of pleasure in her eyes belies that. “It’s always with the best friend, isn’t it?”
“Enough,” Luna says firmly, standing up and waving her hands to stop Claire. “Zack is Carter’s best friend . . . and my brother!”
Elena laughs first, hooting and guffawing loudly. “Claire! I told you there had to be a reasonable explanation for it, but no . . . you didn’t believe me. I believe you told me I was getting to be a bit gullible in my old age? Now, who’s looking like a fool?”
But Luna’s channeling her inner Alphena, and she’s in full-blown fiery mode. “You really thought I was cheating on Carter? What kind of mean sicko takes pleasure in telling someone that? You weren’t doing this for him,” Luna charges, pointing at me. And then she turns her finger at Claire accusingly. “You were doing it for you. Did you see me kiss Zack’s cheek and then scurry off like a dog with a bone? You must’ve, because if you’d waited one measly second longer, you would’ve seen Carter come back from the bathroom and sit down with us for dinner.”
Claire’s mouth is opening and closing in shock. Mads looks majorly uncomfortable just sitting next to her, or maybe at the idea that he might have to defend his despicable wife. Elena is grinning wide at seeing Claire put in place. Jacob is still staring at his game despite all the madness. And I’m in awe . . . of Luna.
When she’s quiet and shy, and when she’s loud and commanding, Luna is gorgeous. And so damn strong. She’s amazing.
“I just thought . . .” Claire stammers. “I mean, the two of you aren’t exactly . . .”
“Aren’t what?” Luna prompts with her hands on her hips.
Claire straightens her back, remembering that she’s not someone to be messed with either, and stands to argue eye to eye with Luna. “Look, the two of you are an odd pairing. You must be ten years younger than Carter, and what in the world do you talk about?” She scoffs, then smiles ferally. “Maybe that’s the attraction? You’re nothing more than a young, stupid girl he can manipulate?” She taps her nose as though she’s got us all figured out. “Guess your mouth must be good for something because he’s sure not with you for your looks.”