Page 92 of Truly Yours (Mason & Sophie 2, Roommate Duet 4)
I smack her shoulder. “Why didn’t you call me? I’m your sister!”
We all walk into the living room where Liam is lounging in the recliner with a beer. Mason sets our luggage down and scowls at him. Liam responds with a grin.
“Liam texted me before you guys left and told me I wasn’t to bother you! He said it was your special weekend, and if I needed anything, he was on call. Of course, that sounded fishy as hell coming from Hulk, so when I did ask him to come get me, I bugged him enough until he finally told me and said I wasn’t allowed to reach out to you.”
“Way to play it cool, man,” Mason teases.
“Well, I didn’t expect her to actually need something! Go figure the one weekend you guys leave, she gets evicted.”
“I was not evicted!” Maddie defends. “Anyway, I’m not sure when they’re going to allow us back inside. I heard it’s pretty bad, though.”
“Don’t worry, you can stay here as long as you need,” I tell her, knowing Mason would agree with me. Whether or not Liam does is up for debate.
“Well, I’m glad because I have nowhere else to go, and I’ve been sleeping in your room. Also, I’m broke as fuck so…” She shrugs as if it’s nothing new. “Now.” She grabs my hand. “Let me see this rock.”
“Isn’t it stunning?” I beam proudly at my fiancé.
“Yeah, it’s perfect.” Maddie gives Mason a knowing grin. “Wonder how he knew what you liked?”
“No clue,” Mason intervenes. “Guess I’m just that good.”
“Oh, don’t even play!” Maddie pushes a finger into his chest. “You’re welcome.”
“Pfft. I would’ve figured it out, ya know?”
“Mmhmm, sure.” Maddie snickers. “Aren’t you so excited to have me as a sister now?”
“Yeah, I didn’t quite think this through…” Mason makes a face and scratches the back of his head. “Might need to reconsider that proposal, Soph…” he taunts with a smirk. “Two Corrigan sisters.”
“Just tell them both that you’re their favorite, and they’ll leave you alone.” I grin.
“I’m going to unpack and do laundry since I have to be back at work tomorrow,” Mason tells me, then presses a kiss to my forehead. “Guess you’re sleeping with me tonight…” He waggles his brows as he walks backward toward the stairs.
“Oh hell, I’m gonna need earplugs, aren’t I?” Maddie groans, crossing her arms.
“I have an extra pair,” Liam chimes in. “Bought them just in case.”
“Oh my God, you guys act like we’re doing BDSM or something.” I shake my head at them. “And you should talk, Liam!” I take a throw pillow off the couch and chuck it at him. “If I’m greeted by your morning wood one more time, I’m buying you a robe!”
“I’m not sure if coming here was a good thing or not…” Maddie mocks. “You guys fight like siblings.”
“This is how they show love,” Mason teases before making his way upstairs.
“So did you tell Lennon about the proposal?” Maddie asks as she follows me into my room. I need to unpack and do laundry too, which means I have to beat Mason to the washer. I chuckle to myself, knowing he’d let me have it first anyway if I asked.
“Not yet.”
“How do you think Mom and Dad will react?” Maddie sits on the bed, making herself at home. “You two are really making it hard for me. By the time I have a baby or get married, they’re going to be expecting the worst.”
Laughing, I shrug. “Perks of being the little sister.”
“They’re not perks! But maybe that means they won’t give me any shit for anything I do. You two will have worn them down by then.”
“See? There ya go. You’re welcome.” Once my suitcase is emptied, I take my hamper to the laundry room and put in a load. “I think after Lennon put them in their place, they’ve toned down a bit. Mason and I living together won’t be such a shock,” I tell her once I’m back in my room. “It’s the being engaged before they met Mason that might hurt them. But it’s not like it’s on purpose. We don’t live in Utah, so it makes it harder to just introduce them to the guys we’re dating.”
“Well, and if you factor in the first time you guys hooked up, you’ve been dating for over three years.”
“Ha-ha, funny. I’m not going to tell them that, and neither are you.” I point my finger at her. “They know our story, and once they do get to meet him, I have no doubt they’ll love him.”
“They totally will,” she reassures me. “I really am so excited for you guys. You two deserve it so much.”
Maddie stands and gives me a hug. “Thank you. I’m still in shock, I think. But it was awesome to spend the weekend together just the two of us, so…thanks for not calling.” I burst out laughing when she scowls at me. “Oh, I bet you loved being here alone with Liam anyway.”