Page 53 of Truly Yours (Mason & Sophie 2, Roommate Duet 4)
“Soph?” I call out again into the house but don’t get a response. I check the upstairs and downstairs bathrooms, but they’re both empty too. Instantly, I grow more worried, but make another walk around the house just to make sure. I let out a frustrated groan and pull my phone from my pocket. Before I can text her, the door swings open. Sophie and Liam barge in loud as fuck, laughing about God knows what, and Liam’s carrying a pizza in his hand.
“Where the hell have you been?” I ask Sophie, and my tone comes out harsher than I intend. I try to suck in a deep breath and calm my panic because my mind went to a dark place when I couldn’t find her.
She looks at me and snorts. Liam shakes his head and sets the pizza on the table next to the one I picked up.
“Pizza?” Sophie asks, giggling. “Great minds.”
I narrow my eyes at her as she plops down on the couch. “Are you drunk?”
“Oh, Mason,” she singsongs. Opening the box, she grabs a slice, then takes a large bite . “Oh my God, this pizza is giving me so much life.”
I look at Liam. “What the actual fuck, dude?”
He shrugs and stuffs his face with a piece, then sits in his recliner. “You shoulda told us you were grabbing dinner. I wouldn’t have stopped.”
Sophie laughs and grabs my arm, pulling me down next to her. “Chill out. There’s no such thing as too much pizza.”
I can’t help but notice the way her head falls back on her shoulders and how free she seems right now. It makes me miss her so goddamn much. I can’t even put it into words how seeing her like this makes me feel, but I know it’s nothing more than a façade, a mask she’s currently wearing behind the alcohol.
“So you get my girlfriend drunk, then bring her home?” I direct to Liam.
He gives me a smirk at my slipup.
Sophie shakes her head, but she’s grinning wide. With a mouthful, she speaks, “I’m not drunk, scout’s honor.” Then she attempts to do the salute and fails when she can’t figure out if it’s two fingers or three.
“Listen, I just offered to buy her a drink, not my fault she drank an entire bottle of wine in an hour,” Liam says, then grabs another piece.
“Seriously? In an hour?” My eyes grow wide with annoyance. She’s going to be sick as hell tomorrow. She hasn’t drunk like that in forever.
“Are you trying to parent me, Mason?” Sophie lifts her eyebrows as if she’s daring me to keep talking. “Should I call you daddy now?” She snickers, and I give Liam the biggest you-motherfucker glare.
He bursts out laughing as I hold back a groan. “Jesus fuck, Soph. Don’t say shit like that.” I brush a hand through my hair, then decide if I can’t beat ’em, I might as well eat too.
Liam and Sophie practically destroy an entire pizza by themselves, and I have a few slices too, but I’m not in the giddiest state of mind like they are. Eventually, Liam decides to go upstairs. When the house is quiet, I look at Sophie who looks like she’s dreaming of rainbows and unicorns.
Her hair falls into her eyes, and I can’t stop staring at how damn beautiful she is. Looking at her right now, I know without a doubt how I feel about this woman. I’d give her the whole world if she’d allow me to, and while I know she won’t right now, I’ll always be waiting.
As if she reads my mind, she stands, then falls into my lap. I hold her close to my chest, smelling the freshness of her hair and feeling the warmth of her soft body pressed against mine. I want to be this close to her for the rest of my life, and it nearly pains me when she pulls away to sit next to me. Instantly, I miss her touch even though we’re still close.
“I was worried about you,” I admit, staring at her.
She looks up at me, and I notice the way her tongue slides out of her mouth and swipes across her bottom lip, and I’ve never been so damn jealous of that tongue. I just want to taste her again so fucking badly.
“I’m okay, Mason. I am. I promise.” The small smile plays across her lips, and it teases me in ways she doesn’t even know. “Liam wanted me to break away from playing because I wouldn’t stop. I needed tonight.”
I nod. “I understand. I just…I thought something happened.” Perhaps I have PTSD from almost losing her. I worry every damn time she leaves the house, but I can’t exactly ask her to check in with me every second of the day, not if she doesn’t want to.