Page 40 of K is for Kieran: A Surprise Baby Romance
“Of course. Go shower.”
I watched him, subconsciously biting my bottom lip as he made his way down my hall to the bathroom. His chiseled body was incredible to watch, and when he turned to head into the bathroom, the sight of his thick, swinging cock made me want to climb into the shower with him and see if he wanted to go for round three.
Get ahold of yourself, Sofia.
It was exciting to feel this way about someone. It was like I was a teenager again, but even better because there was someone to share that excited, intense desire with. I was positively giddy, even with the drained feeling in my bones from the hangover and the headache that was still there but just barely threatening to become more of a problem at the top of my skull.
I gathered our clothes, threw them into the washer, and went into the bedroom to prepare the bed. The sheets had been thrown to the side when I got up to pounding on the door, and I remade it so it was nice and tight like a hotel bed. By the time I had finished with that, the water shut off in the bathroom, and I had just enough time to spray the bed with the eucalyptus mint spray that I always used when I needed a good night’s sleep.
“That’s a wonderful smell,” he said as he made his way into the bedroom, mostly dry and with a towel wrapped around his waist. Somehow, a towel slung low under his abdomen on one side, giving just the faintest peek at the dark curly hair down there, was just as sexy as seeing him fully naked.
“It’s my nighttime spray,” I said. “I use it when I’ve had a rough day and need a good night’s rest.”
“Well, I certainly had a rough day. It’s gotten much better, though.”
He winked at me, and I felt the butterflies in my stomach acting up again.
“Come on,” I said, taking his hand. “Let’s go to bed.”
I led him to the bed, and he crawled in with me. He lay on his back, and I settled my head over his chest, wrapping one leg around one of his and sighing happily. I was barely awake long enough to remember to reach back and grab my phone to set an alarm. As soon as I set it back down on the nightstand and returned to his chest, we were both fast asleep.
I woke up just before the alarm and shut it off. Just a couple of minutes before three, it was already late in the afternoon, but there was enough time for us to get up, have a little something to eat, and for him to get back to the station. Regrettably, I put on clothes, giving up on the idea that we had enough time for one more romp before he had to leave but placating myself by saying it certainly didn’t seem like this was a goodbye.
Moving into the laundry room, I switched his clothes to the dryer and then headed for the kitchen. A solid lunch sounded amazing. Sandwiches would be fast and delicious, so I put on a pan and fried up bacon while collecting various deli meats and opening the package of brioche bread I always kept around.
The coffee machine had just poured out a pot when I heard shuffling in the bedroom. Footsteps down the hall preceded the arrival of what I expected to be Kieran wrapped in a towel again. Instead, he confidently strode into the kitchen, buck naked and grinning.
“Coffee smells amazing,” he said.
“Uhh. Mm-hmm,” I managed. It was about all I could say.
“Ooh, sandwiches. Thank you for making lunch.”
“You’re very welcome. I thought you might like something delicious before you have to go.”
“I very much would,” he said. “And I hate to ask you to do something, considering all this, but I have a favor to ask.”
“Sure, what is it?”
“I have a bag in my truck,” he said. “It’s got clothes in it for me to put on. Would you mind grabbing it?”
I laughed.
“I am rather enjoying this whole situation,” I said. “But yes.”
He pulled me tight into him and pressed a kiss to my lips.
“I’ll stay this way as long as you want me to,” he said. “I just can’t go into the station like this.”
I giggled in spite of myself. I sounded like a teenager. I wasn’t a giggler. Ever. What was going on with me?
“I’ll get your bag for you. Where are your keys?”
“In my pants,” he said, looking around. “Which… I threw off somewhere.”
“Oh, I put them in the washer for you. They’re drying now. I think your keys must have fallen out.”
A quick look into the living room produced his keys under the coffee table. He handed me the one for his truck, and I pranced out of the house in my pajamas happily to go get it. It dawned on me that my front door could be seen by the back door of the restaurant, and I froze, wondering if it was standing open the way Papa usually did. If it was, he would see Kieran’s truck. And me. In pajamas. At three in the afternoon.