Page 54 of Truly Mine - (Mason & Sophie 1, Roommate Duet 3)
“Oh, shut the hell up.” I stand, ready to walk out because I won’t beg.
“Sit down. You know I don’t like all those dramatics. What is with the Holt family always making a damn scene?”
I sit back down, relieved since I didn’t have a plan B.
“You better remember me when you’re sitting on your father’s throne, okay? What’s the dickhead’s name?” Jerad asks.
The last question causes me to laugh. “Weston Westbrook.”
He narrows his eyes. “Is he a fuckin’ cartoon?”
I snort. “He looks as ridiculous as his name sounds too. Has one of those haircuts I had when I was five.”
Jerad grins. “You must have a thing for this girl.”
I can’t even deny it. “I’m just worried about her. She’s showing all the signs of abuse, and the way this guy acts…I can’t place it. He has that overbearing narcissist vibe to him, and I swear he’s manipulating her emotionally. I’m seeing the signs: avoidance, seclusion, denial, and excusing the behavior. The last time I saw her, she looked terrible. Stressed, worried, upset. The woman who stood in front of me wasn’t the woman I’ve known for years, and I’m concerned about what he’s capable of doing. What he’s already done.”
Jerad lets out a calm breath. “I’ll take care of it. He’s from Sacramento?”
“Honestly, I don’t know much about him other than he lives here and has a correctional officer job or something.”
“Did you search the system for him? See if he really is a correctional officer? He’d work for the state, and we’d have records on file.”
My eyes go wide. “No. I didn’t even think about it.”
Jerad shakes his head. “And you want to investigate crime scenes.”
“I want to do forensics. It’s different,” I remind him, nearly jumping out of my seat to go back to my desk to search for Weston’s name in the public directory.
“I’ll keep you updated with what I find. Also, don’t tell anyone. I don’t want to risk anything by helping you stalk this guy. Got it?”
I nod. “I owe you big time. Thank you.”
“Should have something for you by tomorrow, maybe earlier,” he tells me as I make my way out of the room.
Once I’m back at my desk, I go to the public directory where all the state employees are listed and search for Weston’s name, but nothing comes up. I try to convince myself that something is wrong, or I’m not searching the correct place, so I call the prison and ask for him. If he answers, I’ll hang up. I’m put on hold, and when the woman comes back on the line, she seems annoyed.
“No one by that name works here.”
I sit silent for a moment. “I’m sorry, must’ve called the wrong place. Thanks.”
I hang up, my mind reeling. I know he doesn’t work at the county jail because I know every person there. But if he doesn’t work at the prison, that means he’s a fucking liar, and who knows what else he’s lying about. I’m seething and seeing red, but thankfully, my cell ringing pulls me away. When I see it’s Liam, I pick up the phone and walk to a secluded place where I can have some privacy.
“What do you need?” Liam sounds busy.
“So. Before you tell me to mind my own damn business, I’ve been doing some digging on Weston.”
“Mason…” Liam warns.
“He doesn’t work at the prison,” I blurt out before Liam can say another word.
“What?” He sounds as shocked as I feel.
“He’s not in the state directory. He’s not a correctional officer.”
Liam doesn’t say anything for thirty seconds, and I know he’s processing my words.
“Goddammit. We need to follow him,” Liam suggests. “We need to learn as much as we can about this bastard before we confront him.”
I chuckle. “And all this time, I thought you were going to tell me to let it rest.”
“It’s obvious there’s an issue. I’ll be home pretty late tonight, but I have tomorrow off. I think Sophie said he leaves early in the morning. We can follow him and see where the fuck he’s going.” I’m happy Liam is suggesting this because I would’ve otherwise.
“You know where they live?” I ask.
“I know everything,” he snaps back.
Snarky ass.
“Okay, it’s a plan then.” I let out a breath, and we make plans for tomorrow morning before ending the call.
I can’t seem to focus on anything for the rest of the day. My mind is in overdrive as I think about Sophie and Weston and what she must be going through. She’d never tell us. On the way home, I decide to call Maddie and am nearly shocked when she immediately picks up the phone.
“Hello, loverboy,” she purrs, which only makes me laugh.
“You’re ridiculous,” I snap. “But I do have some questions for you. And you can’t say shit to Lennon or Sophie.”
She laughs. “You think I’m not good at keeping secrets or something?”