Page 31 of Truly Mine - (Mason & Sophie 1, Roommate Duet 3)
Sophie: Meeting me at the park?
Maddie: Hell no. Come pick me up!
Sophie: You’re so demanding. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. The show won’t start for an hour, though. You gonna be okay while I warm up?
Maddie: There are food trucks. I’ll be fineeeee.
I snort-laugh and pack my shit, then head out the door. As I drive to the dorms to pick up Maddie, my phone buzzes, and I see it’s a text from Liam. At the first red light, I unlocked my phone and read the message.
Liam: Mason and I are on the way. You there yet?
The last time we hung out, they both agreed to come to the concert and hang out after. It really means a lot to me that he’ll be there cheering me on. Liam’s the brother I never had.
Sophie: Grabbing Maddie, then I’ll be there.
Liam: Alright! Maybe there’ll be some hot, single chicks there? You think?
Sophie: Maddie will make sure to scare them off for you.
Liam: NO.
I like to joke with him about her because I see the way he looks at her, but he denies it. Though, it’s not any different from me and Mason, and he loves to ride my ass about it. Maybe I’m in denial too. Before I can send him a text message back, the light turns green, and I go. My heart flutters when I think about Mason and how he’ll finally get to see me play. Lately, when I’ve been hanging out with Liam, he’s kept his distance, pretending I don’t exist. The way he treats me is starting to wear me down.
Soon, I’m pulling up to the dorms, and Maddie is already outside waiting for me. Her shorts, if you can call them that, are nearly invisible, and she’s wearing a crop top that shows off her perfectly toned body. Once she’s in the car, I playfully scold her.
“Go up there and change, young lady. You can’t go out in public wearing that.” I shoot her a wink.
“But how will I get any dick if I can’t show off what my mama gave me?”
I narrow my eyes at her, scowling.
“Oh, come on. You know it’s hot as hell out here. I’m already sweating.” She fans herself with a laugh.
I grunt. “For a virgin, you’re dirtier than anyone I know.”
She shrugs, then puts on her seat belt, and I drive toward the park.
“Dance school. I learn about all sorts of terrible, horrible, and thrilling things backstage.” When she waggles her eyebrows at me, I burst out into laughter.
“I don’t even want to know.”
“Sure you do! Did you know there’s a sex position called the Butter Churner?”
I glance over at her. “Don’t. Don’t you dare.”
“You’re no fun.” She snickers. “Bet you google it later.”
“Bet you I don’t!” I challenge, then change the subject and tell her about Lennon’s texts this morning. She’s all googly eyes when I tell her everything is going as planned. I give her the shortened version because I know Lennon will tell us more when she returns, and she better not leave out any juicy details.
“So Mom and Dad believe it?” she asks.
“One hundred percent,” I confirm with a smile.
Maddie lets out a sigh. “They just need to do it already.”
I snort, shaking my head. Though I can’t really disagree.
“What? She’s already pregnant. What’s the worst that could happen?”
I park the car and turn and look at her. “You’re grounded.”
“For what? For being right!”
“For being bad,” I say, and she rolls her eyes before opening the door.
I grab my violin, then we walk across the park toward the stage. Families, couples, and tons of kids make up the crowd already here, which makes me super excited. Food trucks line the perimeter, and Maddie is already scoping them out.
“You hungry?” she asks.
“Nah. I ate already.” My phone vibrates in my pocket and pulls me away. I remember I didn’t text Liam back, and I see have another text message from him.
Liam: Here!
Sophie: We’re by the stage. About to warm up.
Liam: Heading that way.
I instantly smile and look around, but the park is so crowded, it’s hard to pinpoint their location. As soon as I tell Maddie they’re here, she lights up with excitement.
“Now I’m really glad I wore these shorts. Show Liam what he’s missing out on.” She’s determined to crack his shell. I think it’s hilarious how relentless she is.
“I doubt you’re the first girl to show off her long legs. Liam’s a robot when it comes to you,” I tease.
“Well, good thing I’ll be hanging out with them while you play. Perhaps I’ll break through his walls. And if that doesn’t work, I’ll find a guy who’s interested.” She tightens her ponytail and smirks.
“They’re gonna play big brother and not let any man close enough to get handsy,” I say. They’re just as protective of her as Lennon and I are, even when they act like she annoys them.