Page 23 of Truly Mine - (Mason & Sophie 1, Roommate Duet 3)
I do a few stretches, knowing I’m gonna be sitting for hours, then take a sip of my coffee. Pulling my violin from its case, I place it on my shoulder and do a few warm-up scales. I play through each piece of music we’re performing for next month’s concert. At this point, I could play it all from memory, but I’m meticulous and make sure I hit each note perfectly. I’m my worst critic. Once I’ve finished each piece, I start from the beginning and go through my set two more times before my stomach growls, and I take a break to eat.
After I scarf down a sandwich, I grab my phone and FaceTime my parents. They answer after the first two rings and are all smiles.
“Sophie!” Mom grins.
“Hey,” Dad says, standing behind her.
“Happy Anniversary, you two! Any big plans tonight?” I ask.
They look at each other and laugh, and I love how much they still enjoy each other’s company. I hope to have a love like them one day.
“We’re having dinner with some friends tonight and then after that…who knows.” Dad chuckles, waggling his brows at my mother.
“Eww, TMI!” I shake my head and give them a face, which only encourages them to kiss like teenagers.
“Is that Sophie?” Maddie yells from behind, busting between them and taking the phone from their hands.
“Mads! Are you almost packed? You’ve got a week,” Dad scolds.
She lets out a laugh. “You know it. I was packed before graduation day.”
“Hey, give me the phone back,” Mom demands.
“I’m counting down the hours,” Maddie calls out, handing the phone to her with a snicker.
“Appreciate you calling, honey. Keep you in our prayers, and we’ll talk soon. We love you,” Mom tells me.
“Love you too. Bye, Maddie!” I say loud, and she yells it back right before the call ends.
Maddie’s upcoming move has my parents struggling. It’ll be the first time they’ll be empty nesters, so it will be an adjustment for them both. Though my dad is the pastor for a mega church, Mom has devoted her life to us kids. She loves taking care of us, so it’s going to be a huge change. Growing up, we knew how much they loved us, but it didn’t take away from the fact we were forced to live by their strict rules. Besides having early night curfews, we weren’t allowed to date, wear clothes that showed any sort of cleavage, and attending church was mandatory several times a week. Maddie is ready for freedom, and Mom knows she’s a handful. I’ve promised more than once to take care of and protect my little sister while she’s here and look out for her and Lennon, but it doesn’t seem like enough.
“Come visit us soon.” Dad shoots me a wink.
“Maybe. You know how hard it is to break away with rehearsals,” I remind them.
They nod, and we chat a little longer before saying our goodbyes. I tell them to have fun, but not too much fun. After the call ends, I go back to practicing but can’t stop thinking about Maddie being here next week. It makes me so damn excited. Moving to California was one of the best decisions I ever made. I learned how to make choices in a world without my parents constantly nagging or guiding me and enjoyed growing up on my own terms. She’s going to have fun, but hopefully not too much, though. The girl seems to love trouble.
“There’s my favorite sister,” I tease with a grin when Maddie plops down in the booth next to me. I can’t believe she’s finally here. She wraps her arms around me and laughs, then looks over at Lennon. They’re both my favorite, and I love them equally, but it’s always fun to joke about favs. It’s been a running thing since we were kids.
Maddie looks around with wide eyes. “I think the Coliseum is going to be my new favorite place. Even though they won’t serve a minor…I guess it’ll have to do.”
“Yes, it will,” I say. “You’ll get to drink plenty after you turn twenty-one. Just enjoy being underage for a few more years,” I tell her in a motherly tone. I’m the big sister, after all. Even though I promised my parents I’d watch her, Maddie is gonna do what she wants to do. Always has, always will.
Lennon giggles. “Remember how things were when I first moved here?”
I grin, thinking about it, and nod. “You acted like you found freedom for the first time ever.”
“Pfft. It was freedom.” She looks over at Maddie. “Until I dated that asshole who nearly ruined me.”
“See, Mads. This is why you need to take it slow and not rush into anything,” I remind her.
“I know, I know. Date with intention. Right, Mom?” She snorts just as Lennon’s cell vibrates. Her face lights up as she unlocks it, so I know right away it’s Brandon. They’re madly in love already, and though it’s almost sickening, I’m really happy for her. Lennon deserves a nice guy. Hell, we all could use one.