Page 13 of Truly Mine - (Mason & Sophie 1, Roommate Duet 3)
“Hey!” I reply when she squeezes me in a tight hug.
She pulls back, studying my face. “Everything okay?”
My eyes immediately widen when I realize I was frowning. “Yeah, totally! Just in desperate need of a drink,” I tell her, and I hate that I’m lying.
Just as she leads me to the kitchen, I spot Mason standing next to Brandon, Liam, and another guy. I drink Mason in, admiring the way his shirt hugs his chest and hating that I want to run my nails down his abs. He meets my gaze and smirks. Fucking bastard. Take that smirk and shove it up your ass, I want to tell him, but instead, I flash my teeth at him and wave like a stupid fangirl.
Ugh. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
“Who’s that other guy?” I ask Lennon as she digs in the fridge for beer. “The one who looks like he could crush you in a second.”
Lennon flicks her eyes over, then groans loudly. “Hunter.”
“The Hunter?” I inquire, holding back my laughter.
“The one and only. Asshole extraordinaire.” She rolls her eyes, then hands me a can of Bud Light. “You were supposed to meet him at the bar last month with Mason and Liam, but he bailed at the last second.”
She doesn’t sound sad about that either.
“We drinking the cheap shit tonight?” I tease, popping it open.
“Mason and Liam’s drug of choice apparently. I bet you they have the good stuff somewhere, though.” She starts opening cabinets until she finds a bottle of Jack. “Voila!”
I chuckle as she holds it up like a trophy.
“Now to find some shot glasses,” she says.
“Next cabinet.” I hear a deep voice, and the hair on the back of my neck rises. Mason.
“Ooh, thanks!” Lennon grabs two, then pours the liquid.
Daring to look, I glance over and see him leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed and a smirk painted on his lips.
“What’s up, Sophie?” He throws me a head nod, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
“Not much,” I say, keeping my jaw locked.
Well, this is awkward as fuck.
“Shots?” Lennon interrupts.
“Let’s do it!” Mason’s head falls back as he shouts at the ceiling.
Kill me. Kill me now.
“Lennon, hook me up!” Liam comes charging through, knocking Mason right into me.
“Shit, sorry. Sophie, right?” Liam grabs my arm and holds me upright until I’m facing him.
“Yeah,” I say once my feet are planted.
“Liam! Watch where you’re going!” Lennon scolds. “Knocked my sister over so fast you nearly impregnated her.”
A roar of laughter echoes, mine included. Lennon doesn’t drink a lot, but when she does, she’s an absolute hoot.
“I said sorry, geez!” He grabs one of the shot glasses filled with whiskey, then hands it to me. “Truce?”
Before grabbing it, I glance at Mason, who’s shooting daggers at Liam, giving me all the fuel I need to be extra nice to Liam. He obviously doesn’t like that Liam is being friendly with me, but too fucking bad. Mason doesn’t get to have an opinion on who I hang out with.
“Truce.” I tilt my head back, then swallow it down.
“Yeah!” Liam shouts with both hands raised above his head, getting the rest of the partygoers going too. A round of hollers shakes the walls, and I smile wide at the obnoxiousness of my new friend, Liam.
“Another?” Lennon asks with a grin.
“Yep. Keep ’em coming,” I order, handing her my empty glass.
“Soph…” Mason comes closer, then whispers in my ear, “You don’t have to do this.”
“Do what?” I pierce him with a sharp glare as he steps back. “You worried about me?”
He brushes a hand through his dark hair that’s short on the sides and longer on top. Hair that I’ve pulled. “I just don’t want you thinking you have to drink because of me or anything.”
“Why would you think that, Mason?” I narrow my eyes at his insinuation. “I drank before I knew you. We’re friends; I know that. So why don’t you take your ego and sit back down?”
Liam overhears us and brings a fist up to his lips and smiles wide as he stifles a laugh. “Daaaaamn. I like this chick!” He gives me a high five, then wraps his arm around my shoulders. “Mason can sometimes be a mood killer. Don’t mind him. Come drink with me. I’m way more fun.”
“Dude, what the fuck?” Mason glares at him, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Relax, man.” Liam slaps his shoulder. “Let me get you a drink so your uptight ass can loosen up.”
“I’m just fine,” Mason insists, his jaw tight as he shoots daggers.
“You pussies done gossiping and ready to party?” Hunter comes barreling in and shouts like a crazed-out beast. He holds up his beer can as he yells, spilling it on himself.
Liam throws his head back and woots loudly, fist pounding his chest.
“Should’ve warned ya, they get a bit insane,” Lennon tells me, then starts scanning the room for Brandon. “I’m gonna go find my boyfriend. You okay in here?”