Page 116 of Truly Mine - (Mason & Sophie 1, Roommate Duet 3)
“Like he takes advantage of their sadness and swoops in?” he asks.
“Yeah, I think. Hell, I don’t know. I might be wrong, but I’d just feel better knowing for sure that his story isn’t complete bullshit. If his wife died, she’d have a death certificate by now.”
“Any chance you know her name?”
“No, and I don’t think I can ask Sophie without her being suspicious.”
“I’ll check it out. Look up the last name and see what I can find. See where his plates lead me,” he confirms, and I release a relieved breath.
“Thanks, Jerad. I really appreciate it. I owe ya one.”
“You owe me big time already.” He snorts.
“Yeah, yeah.” I laugh. “Add it to my tab then.”
After we hang up, I decide to take a shower and get ready. I plan to take us out to eat, then putt-putt, and then we’ll end the night at the Coliseum where we first met and dance, hopefully giving her some new memories of that place. I know it’s nothing exotic like an exclusive yacht tour or anything, but spending time anywhere with Sophie is a blast. We’ll have fun as long as we’re together, and I think she feels the same way too.
“Well, aren’t you looking quite handsome…” I turn and glare at Maddie, who’s eyeing me up and down. “Cologne, too?” She sniffs, wrinkling her nose. “Wow, you must really want to get into my sister’s pants.” She flashes a shit-eating grin. “Oh wait, you’ve already done that.”
I roll my eyes with a laugh. “Hi to you too, Mads.”
“Madelyn! I heard that!” Sophie yells from the living room.
“Now you’re in trouble,” I tease, walking past her.
Maddie groans, lifting her arms up, then slapping them back down. “Oh, what else is new. You should be thanking me, mister.”
“Is that so?” I ask as she follows me into my room.
“Your bedroom is clean.” She pokes her head inside and looks around.
“Yeah? And?” I ask, digging into my dresser drawer for some black socks.
“I don’t know. It’s weird. Aren’t most guys’ rooms messy and gross?”
“That’d be the next room on the right.”
“Oh hell no. I already know Liam is a pig. I can smell it from the front door.” She leans against the doorframe with her arms crossed.
I snicker, nodding. “Well, it’s mostly just messy. He comes home from trips, throws his dirty clothes into one pile, and then packs a new bag without doing his laundry right away.”
“Well, considering he has to go shopping to buy new clothes on the road, I’d be surprised if he ever did laundry!”
“Can’t argue that.” I walk out of my room, and she follows me down the stairs. “Is there a reason you’re following me?”
“No, just came up here to distract you,” she says once we reach the living room. She throws me a smirk over her shoulder.
“What? Distract me from what?”
“Sophie’s shopping bags. I was under strict orders not to let you see what she bought until she was ready to show you.” She flashes me a devilish grin, and I know that can’t be good.
“Wasn’t she supposed to drop you off after shopping since she’s going to her circle group?” I grab my watch from the coffee table and snap it on.
“We were running behind so she’ll take me home before she goes to the meeting.”
I check my watch and see it’s only 5:15.
Maddie notices my confusion and continues, “She wants to get ready for your date before the meeting so you two lovebirds can leave immediately after it.”
“Ooh,” I say, it all finally clicking.
“Which means you can’t see her until later. No peeking either.”
I furrow my brows. “Isn’t that rule only for the wedding day?”
She shrugs. “Same principle.”
Moments later, Liam comes barreling through the door with a chick under his arm.
Oh fuck.
Maddie swallows and straightens her spine. Liam obviously had no idea she’d be here tonight, but fuck did he pick the worst damn time to come home.
“’Sup?” He nods at us. “I forgot something in my room. C’mon, Cheryl. This way.”
“It’s Cindy,” she says, giggling.
Maddie’s jaw tightens, and she pretends it doesn’t faze her, but we all know her thing for Liam is more than just attraction. He’s an idiot for not taking notice.
Or maybe he does, and he’s even more of an idiot for ignoring it.
I don’t even know what to say to Maddie, so I keep my mouth shut. Nothing I say will make her feel better anyway.
“Soph?” I walk toward her room, then knock on the door.
I hear scrambling on the other side and then, “Hold on.”
Chuckling, I put my hand on the doorknob and turn. “I’m coming in.”
“You’re so impatient,” Sophie says, giggling when I enter. She’s struggling to hold her dress in place.
I stalk toward her, raising my brows at how damn delicious she looks. “Whatcha got going on here?” I tease.