Page 28 of When the Farmer Met the City Girl
“Right.” He swallows hard again. “Well, you need to be on the appointment list to get upstairs. It’s protocol.”
I point at the ceiling. “My girlfriend is up there.”
He raises an eyebrow. “The hot blonde that just came in?”
I plant my hands on the desk and let him see his own death take place in my eyes.
“In hindsight, I can see describing her that way was a mistake.”
“Tell me which floor she is on and I might let you live.”
I don’t waste a second striding to the elevators and punching the button. It opens right away and I step in. There’s a weird tightness at the back of my neck, like an intuition telling me Bianca needs me. Or maybe I just need her? God, yes. I feel sick without her in my arms. I should have told her I’ll come to California. I should have given her that assurance before her big audition that means so much to her.
The elevator doors open to reveal an empty hallway. At first, I think the security guard must have given me the wrong floor, but then I hear a male voice. I follow, stopping outside of the door and I listen.
“Do you have any problem relocating to Los Angeles?”
“No, I don’t have any problem with that,” Bianca responds, making my chest sting.
“Fabulous. That’s where I spend most of my time, too. I could introduce you to so many people. Directors, fellow casting agents, producers. Parties in the Hollywood Hills. Premiers.”
“That sounds…amazing.”
It does. It sounds like everything she’s been dreaming about.
How can my farm possibly compete with fancy parties in Hollywood?
It can’t.
“You have no idea.” The man pauses. “Do you have a boyfriend?”
“Why is that relevant?”
Good question, darlin’.
“Obviously, it’s relevant,” scoffs the man. “Actresses with boyfriends? Especially when they are starting out in the business? It’s always messy. He gets jealous of her sudden rise to fame. Or he doesn’t like all the time she’s spending on set. Or making connections. When it comes to an actress’s career, boyfriends are a distraction.”
I stumble back from the door.
Is that true?
Would I be a hindrance to Bianca if I came to Los Angeles with her?
Would I just be in the way? Am I in the way right now?
Rubbing at the back of my neck, I weave on my feet back toward the elevator, the man’s words ringing in my head. Bianca has this big dream and I could ruin it for her. I never intended to do that. I want her to be happy, don’t I? Of course—
The door of the office crashes open and I turn around in time to see Bianca stride out.
She stops in her tracks. “Dusty?”
I open my mouth, but I can’t find the words to say, so I simply shake my head.
“What are you doing here?”
“Well.” I clear the shame from my throat. “I wanted to make sure you got here safely and then I just had this feeling…you needed me. But I must have been wrong. Maybe I’m the last thing you need, darlin’.”