Page 25 of When the Farmer Met the City Girl
“Stop distracting me,” I murmur, my traitorous leg locking around his hip. “My audition tomorrow is important to me, Dusty.”
He nods, serious. “I know.”
“What if I get the role?” A line jumps in his cheek, but he doesn’t respond. “No one I grew up with believed in me. My own mother thinks trying to be an actress is a waste of time. She never even came to any of my high school plays.” Shaking my head, I implore him with my eyes to understand. “It’s hard to be the only one who believes in me. I owe it to myself to try.”
Dusty stares at me for long moments, conflict warring in his features. There he is—my wonderful, considerate farmer. He really is the best of both worlds. Cocky and confident when the moment calls for it, but there’s a heart of gold on the inside. “I believe in you, Bianca,” he says, finally, his voice rusted over. “I…want you to do the audition. I want you to succeed, because it’s your dream.” He presses his forehead down on mine, holding eye contact. “I love you. That means your dreams are mine.”
“I love you, too,” I blurt, tears springing to my eyes. “Even more so now.”
His next breath catches and he can’t speak for several beats. “You…love me back?”
I give up the fight and nod enthusiastically. “Yes.”
He crushes me in his embrace and I hug him around the neck as hard as possible, never wanting to let go. Scared for what the future holds, but harboring no doubts that this man will be a part of it. Somehow. Some way. “If the audition goes well, you’ll be working in New York?” he asks into my neck, kissing the sensitive region beneath my ear.
“Los Angeles,” I croak.
His mouth pauses in its ministrations. “Bianca,” he growls, warningly. “That ain’t—”
Catching him off guard, I push my giant over onto his back and straddle his hips, cutting him off mid-sentence. “Can’t we worry about it tomorrow, Daddy?” I purr, cupping my breasts and massaging them gently, as he watches through rapidly darkening eyes. “I don’t want to argue tonight.”
His massive chest has started heaving. “Whatdoyou want to do?”
I lean down and kiss him, playing with his tongue while my sex rubs against his thickening length, our flesh still slippery from lovemaking. “I want to play.”
“Bianca, I…” He moans, his hands flying to my hips to press me down, down, his hips lifting up, up, bouncing me roughly. I arch my back to accentuate my breasts and he hisses at the sight. “MotherMary.” He guides his erection to my entrance and thrusts it up inside of me, throwing his head back with a grunted curse. “So tight. You wonder why I want to lock it down?” He clutches my bottom and urges me to ride, his eyes rolling back in his head when his shaft slides in and out of me from below. “Bianca, wewillspeak about Los Angeles tomorrow.”
“Fine. Okay,” I pout, my mouth meandering over his. “But tonight, I only want to talk about one thing.”
“What is it?” he asks from behind clenched teeth.
Blushing, I lean down and whisper in his ear. “How many ways I can satisfy my man’s bull cock.”
I’m on my back in a flash, my bed frame slamming into the wall with the force of his drives. It’s going to be a very long night—and I can’t wait for every single second.
A big part of me wouldn’t mind if tomorrow never came at all.
* * *
It’sthe afternoon of the audition.
I can’t believe it’s really here. My potential big break.
But now that I’m riding the elevator to the casting director’s office, the weirdest thing is happening. All I can do is wonder how Lady is doing with her new foal. Has the baby bonded with Buggy, too? What are the other magical farm animals doing?
And this morning, when I woke up sprawled across Dusty’s chest, I started thinking about how his bed at the farm is bigger and more comfortable. The sirens and foot traffic on the street outside of my window wasn’t as easy to ignore today. It scratched against my eardrums and I longed for the quiet. That hum of nature and wind and nothing else.
What is wrong with me?
I really need to focus on this audition. Who knows how many people I’m competing with for the role of Finlay, amateur sleuth? That number could be in the hundreds.
Before I reach the correct floor, I give myself a quick onceover in the reflective wall of the elevator. I wore a red sleeveless turtleneck tucked into a short, loose, flowy skirt. My hair is loose around my shoulders in a riot of waves. I square those shoulders now and step through the doors as they roll open.
I stop, surprised to see the hallway empty, instead of other girls who received callbacks like me. It’s not possible that I’m the only one here for a meeting, right? If that’s the case, I should be overjoyed, right? I want this part.
Or do I?
My pulse is racing, but not in an excited way, it’s more nervous.