Page 15 of When the Farmer Met the City Girl
Something hot and needy cracks open in my midsection, my moan renting the air.
“Again,” I pant. “Harder.”
A combination of agony and excitement tightens his features. “You like that, don’t you?”
“You like me slapping these little brat tits.”
“Oh my God.Yes.”
“You’re the only cure for this pain in my cock,” he rasps, razing my nipples with his teeth, his mouth traveling lower, lower, his open mouth coasting over my belly button, my mound, to the slit beneath. “This is where all my frustration is going to go. Right here. In this itty-bitty fuck hole. Soon as I’m done lickin’, you’re going to open your legs and let me put it there.”
I’m screaming. I can’t lie still.
I didn’t even know if was possible to want sex this bad. I’m trembling, my skin growing dewy with the need for…for…I don’t know. I just want to be used like a naughty toy. Rutted and grunted over. I want this gigantic man to be brought to his knees by the sensations afforded to him by my body.Onlymy body.
I’m barely cognizant of my movements as I lift my hips and whine for his mouth, which he gives me enthusiastically. My arousal has already left my flesh parted slightly, but his tongue presses the petals of my sex open wider, the flat of it rubbing my clit hungrily. As if my release is the only thing that will quench his thirst. My vision wavers. I’m dizzy. My thighs begin to shudder and shake. Thirty seconds of his mouth between my legs and I’m already on the verge of an orgasm. An intense one. It hasn’t even crested, and it has stolen my breath.
“Dusty. Dusty!”
We lock eyes up the length of my body and he uses the very tip of his tongue to worry my clit. Then, very precisely, he reaches up and slaps my breast.Snap.
My hips jump off the bed, but he wrangles them back down and…and…oh God, he drills his tongue up inside of me, fucking me with loud groans, his thumb strumming my clit as he goes. Sensations bombard me, my loins quickening swiftly, painfully, and I go over the edge, a warm river of need traveling low in my tummy and releasing on his tongue, his jaw, all while he continues to plunge his tongue in and out, in and out, wet sounds filling the bedroom.
I have barely recovered from that life-altering orgasm when my giant farmer looms over me, taking up every inch of my world, moisture dripping from his chin onto my throat, my breasts. He braces his left arm beside my head and fists his shaft in the other, bringing it between my legs while breathing laboriously.
“Ain’t got a single condom to my name, darlin’.” He enters me with a single inch, his pupils expanding like an explosion of black, his voice dropping an octave. “But I reckon you don’t want to get pregnant tonight.”
“No,” I say, automatically, curious about the lack of conviction in my voice. “I can’t.”
A shadow quickly passes across his face, before it’s gone. “You trust me to pull out?”
“I trust you to do anything,” I whisper, nothing short of starry-eyed, skimming my palms along the muscular bunches of his shoulders, over his short hair, before taking his face in my hands. “Make love to me, Dusty.”
Some unnamed emotion multiplies in his expression and he rides his hips forward, impaling me slowly, his chest heaving faster with every inch he gains inside of my body. “Lord Jesus have mercy,” he barks, stopping halfway. “You don’t take a cunt like this on a shortcut down a deserted road, you hear? This here cunt keeps to the highway.”
“Yes, sir,” I breathe.
“I don’t know how long I’ll last in this pretty wet thing.” His face is a mask of pain. “Barely halfway in and my balls already want to burst.”
I shift my hips side to side. “But I want to feel all of you.”
“Don’t baby talk me, darlin’. I’m trying to get a hold of myself.”
“No.” I pout, playing with my nipples and watching his eyes darken further as a result. “I want you to let go with me. I want to be manhandled.”
“You’re a virgin, Bianca.”
“Maybe we’re not all the same,” I whisper. “Maybe I’m virgin who wants it rough.”
“Dear God above,” he says through his clenched teeth—and then he slams into me, filling me up with every inch of his erection and driving me up the bed. “Oh, sweet fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Tight little thing. I’ve got this tight little thing now, don’t I?”
I’m reeling from so many sensations.