Page 74 of Villains Are Made
He reaches down with his hand and guides his cock to my tight back entrance. Slowly, and with so much control, he presses the tip of his dick past the tight ring. He pauses so I can get used to the initial shock.
“Relax. Open yourself to me,” he purrs in my ear, following the words with soft kisses to my neck.
He pushes further, causing me to gasp. The bite, the stretch, the erotic feeling, all become too much. I shake my head. “You’re too big for me. I think I’ll tear.”
Apollo whispers in my ear, “You’ve thought that before, and you took me just fine. Might have hurt, but hurt so fucking good. Take a deep breath.” I do as he asks. “Take another one and relax your muscles. You need to trust that once I am fully inside you, it will feel good. Submit your fear, your tension, and your body to me.”
He reaches a hand around my front and finds my clit. He circles his finger around, causing me to moan in delight. I focus my attention on the arousal his finger gives me and can ease the muscles of my anus. Doing so allows his cock to press completely into my ass.
“That’s it, princess,” he praises as he slowly pumps his length in and out. “Let me claim that ass of yours. Let me make you mine.”
My hole stretches to impossible levels, but my body heightens with each move of his cock. It’s a different type of pleasure than with my pussy, but it’s still pleasure.
Having Apollo’s cock fill my ass and pump in and out gives me a sense of belonging. At that very moment, I am his. I give myself completely.
“I want to come in your ass,” he moans.
“Yes, yes!”
His gentle thrusts become a little more aggressive. Each push goes slightly deeper than before. Tingles in my ass become sparks of ecstasy. My dark channel pulsates around his cock, and I scream out his name.
My sound of pleasure brings on a few more driving thrusts, and Apollo ends the fucking with a roar. I feel his shooting seed fill my hole.
We rest on the desk for quite some time. I listen to his deep breaths as I gather my own.
“I could do this all day,” he finally says.
“We could…”
He sighs. “The agent is waiting.”
I wiggle my ass as his cock finally pulls out of me. “Yes, I suppose we should get ready.”
“As soon as we get back to Seattle, I’ll need you to go into Medusa really quick to sign some contracts.” Apollo’s words are like cold water being poured on me.
My heart sinks. I’m not sure if it’s because he speaks of going back to our normal reality without even mentioning what that means for us, or that a part of me desperately wants to never leave Heathens Hollow. I’m afraid of what will change between us. I’m afraid of what will change with him. But then I should be excited. He said we’re going to look at houses. To start fresh. To embark on a new future. But hearing the wordMedusasends a shiver and sense of dread through me.
“Okay,” I whisper, trying to not make it obvious how unsettled I am. “What time did you want to leave today?”
“Let me finish responding to these emails. If you don’t mind letting your sister know we’re leaving. Also let her know that I have the housekeeper and cook coming back to help her out while we are gone. I’ll join you as soon as I get done. Then we can head to Seattle.”
I get off his lap, pick up my clothes, and walk toward the door feeling like my entire life is in chaos. I can’t decide if it’s good or bad or a mixture of the two.
Daphne hasn’t said more than a couple of words the entire boat ride back to the city. I had chartered a boat this time so we could take the opportunity to see the orcas swim around us as we make our way to Seattle. I had hoped it would be a romantic gesture, but it seems to have fallen short. She stares out at the scenery and is clearly lost in thought. And to be fair, I’m pretty zoned out myself. I’m trying to really think out what truly being a husband and father means. Troy Godwin isn’t exactly the best role model, and yet, he isn’t the worst either. Family is everything to this man. He’s brought us all up to know that and to live by that belief. We may be ruthless, even evil at times, but the one thing remains true… we will forever be family.
“You all right over there?” I ask.
“Yeah,” she answers, but she doesn’t look away from the passing beauty. She’s looking, but I don’t think she reallyseesanything.
“Awfully quiet.”
I reach across the seat and take her hand in mine. “Are you afraid of real life? Of what’s ahead? I am.”