Page 41 of Villains Are Made
Apollo picks up the chain, and the removal of the weight hanging helps ease the pressure on the collar a little. He then leads me out of the room.
I’m naked.
I’m naked with a collar around my neck and a butt plug attached to a tail up my ass.
I am naked, being escorted by a leash into an old historic bank to what is secretly known as The Vault,full of men who watch our every move as we enter.
There is a man wearing a dark suit, a black cloak with a hood, and a mask standing behind the counter as a bank teller would. The mask is demonic and conceals who the man is behind it.
“That’s The Vault Keeper,” Apollo says as he guides us in his direction. “Get your secret ready.”
Secret? I’ve heard that giving a secret is the only way in, but I hadn’t really planned on doing it, and I have no idea what to even write down. How truthful does Apollo want me to be? I was told that once I marry a Godwin, I never reveal a single secret. Never.
We approach the window, and The Vault Keeper pushes two pieces of heavy card stock and two Mont Blanc pens in our direction. I see dark eyes behind the mask but can’t see anything that humanizes this person at all beyond that. Even his hands are covered in black leather gloves.
Apollo quickly takes the paper and pen and starts writing something down. I don’t dare try to peek even though I want to. What secret is he writing? What is he willing to tell a complete stranger? Godwins are known for their ability to keep secrets. It’s one of the main reasons that they don’t believe in divorce. Once you marry into the family, you are privy to the secrets that live inside their walls. Never would they allow someone to have access and then leave with the knowledge. That would be them willingly giving power away. Godwins don’t give power away.
Before I even start writing my secret down, Apollo folds his paper and hands it to The Vault Keeper. The masked person takes a minute to read it, folds it again, puts it into a safety deposit box, and nods his orherapproval. I assume The Vault Keeper is a man, but there is no real way of knowing. They both then look at me, waiting for me to write something down.
I quickly write down that I was the one who turned Apollo in for killing a man. I assume that it’s a secret worthy enough of getting into The Vault, and if it upsets Apollo I gave such a secret, well that’s on him. It’s his fault for taking me here to begin with. The Vault Keeper reads it, glances at Apollo, and then nods his head in approval as he puts my secret into the locked box as well. The Vault Keeper then nods his head again and points to a staircase that leads beneath the bank. It appears as if we earned our key into the secret club.
As we walk down the stairs, the only thing that my mind can focus on is the smell of food. I’m famished. A huge table is lined up with dishes of pasta and meats. No Italian restaurant could compare to the spread that I gaze upon as I take the last few steps, entering the room just a few inches behind Apollo. The fragrance is like a kick to my empty gut, and I’d do just about anything—include walk naked—to eat the food.
“Gentlemen,” Apollo says with a nod to a few of the guests who stand nearby.
Luckily, I don’t recognize any of the men in the room, and I count my blessings for how long it’s been since I’ve lived on Heathens Hollow. None of these men were friends with my dad, but then again, the Godwins never would lower themselves to interacting with men like him. I don’t think any of them recognize me as the shoeless, dirty, Eastsider I once was.
“Where are your pets?” Apollo asks.
“We have them all in a room together,” one man replies. “There’s some business to discuss before we begin the party, and we didn’t feel it was a conversation that our…” the man pauses and looks at me, then back at Apollo, “that our pets need to hear.”
Apollo nods and hands the leash to a man who appears to be staff rather than a guest standing on his right. “Bring my pet to join the others,” he commands, never once looking at me. I don’t know why the fact Apollo doesn’t look at me bothers me more than the fact I’m naked and being treated like an animal.
I’m being cast off to someone else, and I hate it. I hate leaving Apollo’s side.
Why the fuck should I care?
My stomach gurgles as I’m led away from the table of food. I wonder how long it will be until I’m allowed to shove a forkful of pasta into my mouth.
I must walk too slowly by the display because the man now holding my leash tugs me a little harder to silently command me to keep up. As I pad barefoot behind him, and am led to a closed door, I look over my shoulder and see Apollo sit down at the table with about ten other men, and there are looks of concern and anger on all of their faces. Jaws are locked, eyes dark and narrow, and tension thickens the air.
I can’t help wonder if it has something to do with the Godwin family and that is why Apollo felt the need to pay a visit to The Vault when we’ve never attended before.
The door is opened, and I’m shoved inside. I take a moment to adjust my eyes to the dimly lit room. I already know there will be other women in the room since I’m going to join the other pets, but I’m not prepared for what I see.
Sitting on the floor are ten women. One pet for each man outside.
There are several kitties, puppies, another bunny, and even a unicorn. Each of them are collared and tailed just as I am, and some even have wrist and ankle restraints with far more chains attached. I suppose I’m lucky to only have my leash as the only heavy metal chain. Their eyes are wide and curious as they examine me quietly as the man pushes me the rest of the way in, presses me on my shoulders until I kneel on the ground, then silently closes the door and leaves to join the male guests in the other room.
Being on all fours, I’m not sure what to do. Should I crawl closer to where they all sit? Should I say something? Each woman is naked, vulnerable; but they don’t seem frightened or upset to be in the situation they are in. And I’m once again relieved I don’t recognize any of the women, which means they may not know who I am.
“We have a new pet tonight,” one woman—with a kitten tail—says with a smile. Her lips are red, her makeup dark, and her hair is up in two ponytails to appear more catlike.