Page 10 of Villains Are Made
I watch him climb into his side of the bed and wonder if I should be the one to head to the guest room. But I’m exhausted, and I’m sure he is as well. I don’t feel we need to have some long, drawn-out marriage talk tonight. Clearly something is different, and I don’t think he, nor I, have the energy to approach the topic of where we go from here. Heading to the bathroom to get ready for bed, I do everything I can to get the image of Apollo’s body out of my mind.
I can’t sleep. I hear Apollo’s breathing, and what used to be a calming sound to me when we first wed, is now causing a sort of electric currant to flow through me. I feel his heat, even though we aren’t touching. I feel a sense of closeness, even though we haven’t connected at all.
Or have we?
He touched me tonight for the first time in…ages.
He held me. He carried me. His eyes looked into mine.
But more importantly, he spoke with me. We had a real conversation in the kitchen. Yes, it was awkward, but we at least spoke. And he made a dictate we’d no longer sleep in separate rooms. It was a command I wasn’t prepared for but one I wasn’t going to protest.
I was grateful he was already asleep when I came out of the bathroom once I was ready for bed.
Or was I?
Was there a part of me that was disappointed he wasn’t laying there waiting? Waiting for his wife.
So many conflicting thoughts and feelings running through me, but one thing is for certain—I can’t stay in this bed any longer. I need a moment to myself. I need to—
I climb out of bed as gently as I can so I don’t wake him and tiptoe my way out of the room and head down to the living room. Flipping on the gas fireplace to heat the chilly room, I sit on the couch and stare into the flames. It feels like a lifetime ago when Apollo and I got married. He had promised me the world. He had sworn to protect me and give me anything my heart desired. He had offered me a life of a princess on a golden platter, and I was so desperate to take it. He was a Godwin, and growing up on Heathens Hollow, I knew exactly who they were and what that meant. The family not only owned Medusa Enterprises, but they owned the entire island I lived on. Poseidon Shipping provided the majority of employment to the people of the island, and though that division of Medusa was run by Leander Godwin—Troy’s brother— and his daughters, I most definitely knew the name Apollo Godwin.
And just when I thought I didn’t want anything to do with the Godwins again, and had started to plan my exit strategy, the accident happened. I saw a family dynasty nearly fall. The powerful Troy Godwin had pain in his eyes and tears threatening to escape as he said goodbye to one son while hoping the other fought to survive. When I once wanted nothing to do with Apollo, I suddenly couldn’t leave his side. He was my husband. I took vows. I made a promise in front of everyone. The Godwins were correct in their belief that divorce wasn’t an option.
I was wrong in wanting out. I was wrong in so many ways.
Did I love Apollo? Do I love him now? No…I don’t think so. But he was the first man I ever had sex with. He was the first man to care about me and to offer protection. He saved me. So, maybe the problem was me. I needed to learn to love him. And as I sat beside him in that hospital, holding his hand in mine, I swore I’d try. I’d try to love this man who has done nothing more than offer to share his power with me.
Athena had told me to spread my legs and all would be fine, and when I watched Apollo undress tonight…well, it didn’t sound like such a bad idea. My body still buzzed from the thought of what we could do if only exhaustion and tense reconnection didn’t get in the way.
My body isstillaflame, and there is no way I’m going to be able to return to bed feeling this way unless…
I take the hem of my nightgown and lift it up above my hips. I then lower my panties to my feet and kick them out of the way. I feel the heat of the fire against my bare flesh, and I bring my finger to my clit and slowly circle. Closing my eyes and picturing Apollo being the one to touch me rather than me, I moan as my body thanks me for finally giving it the pleasure it’s been craving.
My heart flips as I look over my shoulder to see Apollo approaching the couch lit up by the fire.
“Have you come yet?”
“What? No…I uh…” I pull down my night gown as fast as I can, standing up and walking toward the fireplace as if it’s heat can protect me from the cold splash of water Apollo’s entrance just caused. My face has never felt so hot. Mortification nearly suffocates me. I feel as if the flames from the fire are licking my body.
“That’s a shame.” He sits down on the couch and pats the seat next to him.
“What are you doing?” I ask, feeling butterflies flap around in my tummy. I don’t understand why he won’t simply walk away and allow me to die in my embarrassment.
“Come over here and let me show you how it’s done.”
“What? Apollo…what?” Did he just imply what I think he did? No way could I have heard him correctly, and yet his serious face, the casual way he sits on the couch with a seductive smirk, tells me I heard him correctly.
“Lift that nightie back up, come spread your thighs, and let’s finish what you started. You’ll come this time,” he says in a calm and even tone.
Although my thoughts and emotions are swirling in chaos, the man has full control of his, and though he caught me in the most private and compromising position, he’s not teasing me. There is no jest in his words. He appears completely at ease but also determined to do as he’s saying. He even appears dignified and nearly regal, sitting on the chair with his intent to perform hishusbandly duties.