Page 39 of Gold In Locks
One morning at breakfast, I’d suggested I take over the milking. At the time, I’d seriously done so just to free up a bit of the men’s day. But, when the first time turned into a disaster, the cow refusing to stand still and me flinching and squealing every time her tail had swished, terrified she was trying to knock me off the milking stool, I’d been about to rescind my offer. It had taken Rye squatting down beside me, taking my hand in his, guiding it to the cow’s udder for me to calm… well, to forget about falling on my ass in the hay.
No, instead, Rye’s touch had me thinking about how his fingers had felt on my breast that night. How they’d gently kneaded my flesh, how my nipples had tightened, how he’d ducked his head down to suckle. I’d been so caught up in the memory that when a stream of milk pinged against the edge of the metal bucket, I’d given a shriek and promptly fallen off the stool all by myself.
Rye had laughed and I realized it was the first time I’d heard him truly laugh. It was so incredible I didn’t care I’d been caught daydreaming. Even after I learned it wasn’t all that difficult to milk Cocoa, named for her rich brown coloring, it didn’t appear the brothers cared about my faked inability. I had taken over the chore, but inevitably, one of the brothers would just happen to be in the barn. They would sit on the stool, me on their lap, our hands working the cow’s teats together. I’d squirm and give soft little sighs as his lips nibbled on my neck or fingers brushed against my curves. Some days led to a quickie that had me bent over a bale of hay, my skirts lifted, panties lowered or pushed to the side as one of them would fill me with their cock, the lowing of the cow, the whinny of the horse, or the clucking of the chickens accompanying the sounds of his groans and my cries as we’d come. On those days, I walked back to the kitchen alone, the bucket of milk in my hands and cum slipping from my pussy to soak the lining of my panties. It was a wonder Kit didn’t think I had some sort of bladder condition with all the panties hung on the line alongside the brothers’ shirts and jeans.
“I’m happy to know you aren’t just pretending to like them anymore,” she said, her voice soft. “It makes me glad to know you’re really happy. It’s been so long since I’ve seen my brothers smile, heard them laugh.”
Her insight had me wondering exactly how much she was aware of. Did she know her brothers and I…
What would her brothers think if they discovered their little sister wasn’t quite as unaware as they’d thought?
“They are just glad all their work is paying off,” I said, picking up my discarded yarn if only to have something to occupy my hands. “They’ve done an amazing job with the farm.”
Kit nodded. “They have, but you know that’s not what I’m talking about.”
“It’s not?”
“No, it’s not.” When she paused, I gave up all pretense of crocheting and turned to look at her.
She laid her work aside and stood, moving over to sink down to the floor beside me. Laying her head against my leg, she sighed.
“Goldie, do you honestly not see they’ve changed? That I’ve changed? Even you have changed since we’ve been on the mountain.” Before I could answer, she turned her head to look up at me. “I admit I don’t know everything, I’m not even sure why you really agreed to come with us, but it has changed our lives. Can’t you see that?”
I reached to stroke my hand down her hair. We weren’t that far apart in age, and yet I felt as if she was far younger… yet she was showing far more maturity than we’d given her credit for. I wouldn’t insult her by pretending to be ignorant of what she was saying.
“I do see. I’ve noticed they are less tense. They smile more often. They even seem to tease occasionally… and when they laugh… well, it makes me happy.”
“You know why, don’t you? Why they smile and laugh now?”
“I suppose it’s because they no longer have to worry about… well, whatever it is they left behind… in city life.”
Kit smiled, her hair sliding across her back as she shook her head. “No, Goldie, it’s not because of any business or because they left the bad men behind. It’s because of you. Don’t you know they love you?”
My heart clutched and my breath caught in my throat, but even as I shook my head, she was nodding hers.
“They may not be ready to say the words, but I know the truth,” she said, not allowing me to voice a denial. “I’ve known my brothers my entire life. They are the only reason I’m here… that I’m alive. I wanted to die when our parents did. It was the three of them who wouldn’t let me slip away. I know I disappear into a different world at times. A world where there is nothing bad, nothing hurtful, but I’m not stupid. I know there is evil in this world, and I know there is hurt. The bad times only make the good ones so much better. The hurt makes the happiness… bigger somehow. More precious.” She sighed and wiped a tear from her cheek but shook her head as if to assure me she wasn’t about to break down. Lifting her face, she gave a soft smile. “My brothers may think me nothing but a child, but I have eyes and I have a heart. They love you, Goldie. They love you very much. I guess the question is, do you love them?”
I honestly was floored, never having considered love would be in the equation, would be included in… in whatever it was we shared. I wouldn’t deny I wanted them, and more than just for sex. As incredible as that was, it was just as wonderful knowing they’d be seated around the table in the mornings and we’d gather again at night. That they were working hard to provide a life for all of us. That, to the one, they’d sacrifice their lives for their sister.
I’d seen that love in person, watched their eyes light up when she laughed, seen the relief as they allowed another tiny piece of the pain caused by their parents’ death to slip away, to be replaced by a smile, a touch, a glance. But love? It wasn’t right to love three men… and there was no way I could ever pick just one.
Displaying far more wisdom than any of us had given her credit for, Kit, stood, saying, “Don’t ever let anyone stop you from loving, Goldie. Life is too short not to love when we are given the chance. It doesn’t matter if it is one man or three. Your heart is big enough for all of them.” Bending, she placed a kiss on my cheek. “They are waiting. All you have to do is let them in.”
I remained seated for several minutes after Kit had left the parlor. With the sound of the door opening and boots clomping across the wooden floor, I knew I needed some time alone before facing any of the brothers. Fleeing upstairs, I ducked into the bathroom. I could feel the tension releasing from me as I took off my clothes while water filled the tub. I absolutely loved the wonderful antique claw-footed bathtub. Sinking down, I closed my eyes, allowing the shoulder-deep water to soothe my body as I thought of how my life had changed since I began living with the Barrett Brothers. Would I ever really stop worrying, stop questioning what beingtheirs—all of theirs—truly would look like?
I felt a draft before I heard the wooden floorboards creak. I opened my eyes to see Jay moving to kneel down behind me. “Are you hiding from us?”
I think these men could read my mind.
His eyes weren’t stern but were full of tenderness and almost happiness to see me after his long day. I was so used to pure dominance from Jay that I wasn’t sure how to exactly process the emotions inside of me. Of all the brothers, Jay was the most severe and scary. A man I didn’t want to cross, but I also didn’t want to anger for other reasons. Reasons being that there was a part of me that actually craved his discipline. I wanted punishment from this man, and it confused me, so I often tried to avoid the issue all together.
Banks had stated all the brothers wanted me, and yet Jay was the one I’d not yet been with. Not in an intimate—non discipline—way. He’d kissed me on my cheek, like the other brothers, as he left the cabin, and we’d exchanged looks that made my stomach flip, but he’d yet to have sex with me.
He was the disciplinarian. He stated so, and I had no reason to believe he’d be anything else.
He was a man who exuded such power, such strength, and now… he was simply kneeling beside me with a warm smile on his face.
“It’s just been a long day,” I said softly.