Page 77 of Mercy
“Remind me again who this cock belongs to,” she says in her confident, sensuous tone.
I’m wearing a shameless grin as I reply, “You, ma’am. It’s all yours.”
“That’s what I thought,” she replies as she picks up the speed of her grinding. I can’t move a muscle. My body is laid out like a starfish on her mattress, using these new straps she must have found at the club. I am nothing but a body with a hard dick for her to use, and I couldn’t be happier.
I love being at her mercy, watching her come on my dick for the tenth time today. It’s fucking amazing. Best sex of my life, and I’m a little afraid of how addicted I’m quickly becoming to this arrangement.
As we’re both recovering, her collapsing against my chest, my phone starts ringing from the nightstand.
“Should I untie you so you can answer that?” she asks, reaching across the bed to grab my phone.
“I don’t even care,” I mumble, struggling to stay awake.
When she goes silent, I peel my eyes open and see that the playful expression on her face is gone.
“It’s Charlie,” she mutters coldly.
“What?” I struggle against the restraints to get my phone, but not because I give a shit about it being Charlie. Although I can see the look of hurt on Maggie’s face. “It must be about my dad. I don’t talk to Charlie anymore,” I say in my defense. I can’t tell by her blank expression if she believes me.
Without answering it, she drops it on the bed and unties my hands. I’m staring at her face, wishing she didn’t look so offended by my ex-girlfriend calling, but I can’t say I blame her.
As soon as my hands are free, I swipe the screen to answer the call.
“Why are you ignoring Sophie?” Charlie snaps without a greeting.
“What? I’m not.”
“She’s been texting you all day. Now she’s in her room crying and won’t come out. She’s sensitive, Beau. I know she’s just a kid, but she was just starting to get close to you, and she doesn’t need another man in her life to let her down.”
“Charlie, I’m not ignoring her. I just haven’t been around my phone much.” I glance up at Maggie, who’s biting her bottom lip with a look of guilt on her face. “Is she really crying?”
The feeling that settles in my gut with that image is worse than guilt. Much worse. It’s shame, regret, self-deprecation, and remorse all rolled into one, and I have never hated myself more than I do in this moment.
“Yes. But she’s been really moody lately. I think she started seeing that boy from the D&D club, and it’s been rocky.”
That little fucker.
“All right, I’m coming over.”
“Don’t bother. It’s too late, Beau.”
“Fine, then I’m calling her.” Without waiting for an answer, I hit End Call and immediately find Sophie’s contact in my phone. Before calling her, I glance up at Maggie.
“Is she okay?” she whispers.
“Yeah, I just…fucked up.”
Her brow furrows as the call starts to go through to Sophie. It only rings twice before her sniffly voice picks up on the other end. “What?” she says as a greeting, but not a warm one.
“Hey, kid, I’m sorry. I was just busy today.”
“Forget about it. I don’t care,” she mumbles in reply.
“Let’s go to D&D now. I’m ready.”
“It’s almost over by now, Beau. It’s too late.”