Page 71 of Mercy
“Please, just fuck me,” I plead.
A wicked smile grows across his face. “Look who’s begging now.”
He doesn’t tease me for long, easing his shorts down until his cock pops out. Dragging my legs closer, he stares down while aligning himself and slowly inching his way in. His eyes are glued to the place where we’re connected, and I’m reveling in the sensation of his impressive size filling me up.
“I love watching it go in,” he mutters in a husky tone, and a burst of warmth drips down to my core. He teases me, going torturously slow.
Writhing beneath him, I let him take control. When he finally drapes his body over mine, our lips lock as he starts to pick up speed. Above my head, our fingers intertwine, and we move in sync, his cock slamming into me, my body lighting with pleasure from every thrust.
“Tilt your hips a little,” I whisper against his lips, and he does. When he hits my G-spot just right, I let out a high-pitched cry. “Right there. Don’t stop.”
“I want to see you come first,” he moans as he continues to fuck me right where it makes my toes curl and my legs shake.
“Then, keep kissing me,” I beg. His soft lips land against mine, and I lose myself in the kiss. Shutting off my brain and all of the fear and doubt, focusing only on his mouth, his cock, and his presence. It’s enough to have me shuddering through a full-body climax.
Once I’ve come down from my orgasm, he pulls his mouth away and smiles down at me. Stilling his hips, he pulls my legs over his forearms and then over his shoulders as he mutters in a sexy, deep tone, “I’m not done with you yet.”
Nearly folding me in half, he picks up the intensity of his thrusts, pounding so hard, it has my body lighting up with pleasure again.
“Oh, my God, Beau,” I shriek.
He freezes. “I’m not hurting you, am I?” he asks.
I grab his hips and urge him to move again. “No, no. Keep going. Harder.”
I can honestly say I’ve never been fucked this hard, and it’s not really something I thought I’d like. But as he nearly drives my body into the couch with force, his already large shaft reaching parts of my body I didn’t even know existed, I can now say with confidence, this is definitely my style.
I don’t know if my body is climaxing again or if it never truly stopped, but all I do know is sex hasneverfelt like this before. I grab onto his arms, my nails digging into his skin as my body pulses with pleasure again. His eyes are glued to my face as I lose myself to the torrent.
“Can I come?” he cries out.
“Yes, yes, yes,” I reply.
Two more thrusts and he stills, trembling with his orgasm. His low carnal moan in my ear is decadent, and I commit the sound to memory.
Once we’ve both stilled and relaxed together on the couch, he rests his head against my chest, and I run my fingers through his hair. It’s so intimate and unexpected, but I realize in this moment, that everything I’ve been trying to avoid has already happened.
I’m falling for my friend’s son. And it didn’t happen slowly. We collided like two stars moving in the same direction for longer than we knew. There was no changing course or avoiding it. I didn’t mean for it to happen. But there’s no going back now.
Rule #23: It’s good to switch it up from time to time.
It’s some time past midnight and still raining outside. Normally, I’d be home by now, but I can’t seem to get off this couch.
I’m facing Maggie, who’s scrolling through her phone in nothing but her underwear, while I’m busying my hands with a sketch on my tablet. It’s of her, and all the perfect parts of her stretched out before me.
I hate how hard she is on herself. When she’s in her Domme mode, she doesn’t give a shit and parades herself around proudly—as she should. But I can’t stand how easily she slips back into this mindset, where it almost feels like she hates herself. She won’t let herself feel pleasure and I can’t touch her without her flinching and tensing.
I don’t want to be theonlyvoice in her head that tells her she’s beautiful.
“What are you doing?” she asks, looking over at my tablet. I hold it out for her to see. It’s not great. I’m no artist, but I am pretty proud of how well I captured the little crease of her hips and the shape of her tits. Every perfect part of her.
“I’m keeping this for later,” I reply with a wink before she grabs it out of my hands.
“Beau…” She’s staring down at the messy sketch with a soft expression.
“Do you like it?”