Page 131 of Mercy
One year later
“Oh, I know it’s not a competition, Emerson. I’m just calling to point out that the Fire Palace now officially has more members than Salacious.”
“You’re gloating,” he replies dryly on the other end of the call. “Besides, you started with a pre-established market, so technically, you had a head start.”
I laugh. “Oh, you’re scrambling for excuses, Mr. Grant. I know it’s hard to admit I’m doing better than you, but you always were a sucker for praise. You’re doing a very good job running your club,” I say in a teasing tone.
“I’m hanging up now,” he replies, and I hear the smile in his voice.
“All right, all right. I’m done teasing you. I’ll see you next week.”
“See you next week,” he adds. “Tell my son to text me back.”
Just then, I turn the corner, heading toward the office when I spot Beau standing there, staring down at his phone in his tight black-on-black suit with his auburn locks perfectly styled with just the right amount hanging over his brow. It points like an arrow to the vertical scar on his forehead. He looks too good for words, and I pause as I watch him for a moment.
“I will,” I reply quietly to Emerson. When the line goes dead, I slip the earbud out and slide it into the pocket of my pants before crossing the long hall. When he hears the click of my heels, Beau looks up and smiles at me as he watches me approach.
“Enjoy that?” he asks with a coy smile.
“What are you talking about?”
“Rubbing it in my dad’s face. I know what you’ve been up to.”
As I step up to him, his hands wrap around my waist and he pulls me tightly against him. Sandwiching me between him and the wall, he lays a hungry kiss on my lips, making my knees go weak. I let him kiss me for a while, grinding himself against me just as a door opens down the hall and a couple walk out.
Beau pulls his mouth away as we watch them disappear around the corner. Then he looks back down at me, biting his bottom lip before dropping his lips back to mine.
“Are we still on for our date tonight?” he whispers into our kiss.
“Oh, you’re not getting out of this one.”
“I wasn’t trying to,” he replies.
We finally separate, and he adjusts the tie around his neck as I reach out to help him, tightening it just a hair. Then, I open the boardroom door and walk in. Our four team members are already waiting for us as I take my seat at the head of the table. Beau walks in behind me and takes the one to my right.
I feel his gaze on me during the entire meeting, watching me with lust-filled eyes as I delegate tasks and ask for updates from the team. Toward the end, when we’re discussing the mural design we’ve hired a talented young artist from California to do in the main hall, Beau picks up his phone, and I know, without even looking, that he’s up to no good. He’s looking for punishment today.
When my phone pings on the table, I don’t even open it. Chances are it’s a filthy picture he’s taken this week to distract me. He’s being a brat, and he knows it. I allow it because later tonight, I’m going to make him pay.
* * *
Room fifteen isourroom.I mean, obviously it’s open to the public, but we charge extra for it, and use it for ourselves whenever we have the chance. At midnight on the dot, I open the door with my private key to find my man kneeling naked on his pillow, waiting for me. His eyes are cast down and his hands are folded obediently in his lap.
When I lock the door behind me, he doesn’t move, but when I pull off my robe I wore in the hallway and hang it on the hook, I wait for him to glance up.
As his eyes finally lift and cast a hungry gaze over my tight black leather corset, thong, and garter straps, I watch him force down a gulp. Then I step closer to him, standing in my black heels.
Reaching down, I wrap the collar around his neck, clasping it with a resounding click. The sound of it sends a shudder down his spine that I can visibly track. As I stand back up, I smile.
“Go ahead,” I whisper. Without a word, he bends forward, pressing his lips to the leather of my shoes. “Good boy.”
As he lifts back up, I notice a pleased expression on his face. Then I raise my foot and press the sharp stiletto heel against his shoulder. He slowly falls backward until he’s lying on the floor, staring up at me with a devilish grin. Helookslike a brat right now, and I fucking love it.
I press my heel down a little harder until he winces, finally giving up that smug look on his face.
“What did you do wrong today?”
“I sent you a video during the meeting.”