Page 11 of Mercy
“Yes! Okay…yes. That does sort of…turn me on.”
The three of them break out in excited giggles as my cheeks heat up to the point of scorching. I can’t believe I just admitted that.
Suddenly, the questions get a little easier to answer, especially when I’m not sober enough to put too much thought into them. They just fly out of my mouth without hesitation.
Would you like to share your partner with others? No.
Would you like to treat your partner like a slave? Maybe.
Do you prefer to have control and know what’s coming in the bedroom? Yes.
Would you like to be addressed by a proper title during sex? Maybe.
Would you prefer a partner to be younger or older than you?Is that really a question?
The wine is gone by the time Isabel reaches the end of the quiz and the results begin to generate. We’re waiting on bated breath for the results, and when her eyebrows dance upward in surprise, I nearly scream.
“What is it?”
“Maggie…you’re a—"
“What are you girls doing in here?” Emerson asks as he walks into the kitchen, and I snatch my phone out of Isabel’s hand so fast it’s nearly violent.
“Oh, nothing…” Charlie responds with a tight-lipped smile on her face as she moves to her man’s side. He lifts a brow as he looks down at her.
“Are you drunk?” he asks.
Her cheeks turn pink. “Maybe.”
He gives her a quick pat on the butt and she yelps with a laugh as she buries her face into his chest. His lips press against the top of her head, and I feel the need to look away. Their constant public displays always make me uncomfortable. I mean, they’re a cute couple and it’s clear they’re ridiculously crazy about each other, but I always feel like I’m intruding on their privacy when they touch each other in our company.
As my eyes quickly dance away from their cuddling, I findhimstaring at me again. Beau is watching from the living room, but instead of focusing on his dad and ex-girlfriend, he’s looking atme. Our gazes meet for only a moment before I glance away, but it makes me wonder if seeing them touching is even harder for him.
* * *
One by one,everyone starts to pair up and meander their way to the door. Isabel nestles under Hunter’s arm as they both follow behind Drake. Mia clings to Garrett, who is whispering something in her ear that I really don’t want to know, judging by the flirty grin on her face. And Emerson guides Charlie out toward the door with a comforting touch on her back.
“Have fun with those results,” she says to me before disappearing out the door.
“What results?” Emerson asks, but I only shake my head, shoving him away.
“None of your business,” I mutter.
When I turn to find Beau lingering alone, I give him a polite smile. “Thanks again for your help.”
“No problem.”
With an awkward glance in my direction, he follows his dad out the door and I close it gently behind him. Once my house is empty and I’m alone, I bolt back into the kitchen where my phone is resting face down on the countertop.
Quickly, I pick it up and open the app to see my quiz results.
A laugh bursts out of my mouth as I stare at the screen.
Dominant, Master/Mistress, Brat Tamer.
I cackle even louder at that last one. Oh my God, this quiz is a joke! This is what we’re selling to our customers? How ridiculous.