Page 62 of Give Me More
Reading our hesitation, Mario adds, “It’s amazing how much you can see in the dark, about yourself, I mean.”
I force myself to swallow.
Mario kills the silence as he starts walking again, pulling us along with his conversation. “Now, you’re probably wondering about safety. All members are required to use protection, show a negative test every month, and pass a rigorous background check. There are bouncers in each room, equipped with night-vision goggles to ensure everything is consensual as well as emergency alarms within reach almost everywhere. Not to mention, our bar is alcohol-free. We take safety very seriously.”
“I see that,” I reply, but honesty, I was only partly listening. I’m still staring longingly at the rooms. I’m suddenly not in the mood to discuss work.
Rule #22: It’s amazing how much you can see in the dark.
“Why don’twe head up to my office to talk numbers,” Mario says to Hunter, and I immediately halt in place.
“Uh, I think I’ll just wait at the bar. Numbers aren’t really my thing.”
Hunter’s expression has a hint of panic in it and I like that. I like that he doesn’t want to let me out of his sight here.
“Feel free to have a look around. Get the full Pitch experience,” Mario says with a suggestive bounce of his brow.
Hunter’s expression of panic and concern only deepens.
“Sounds good. Meet you back here in an hour,” I say, waving at Hunter as we part ways, him to the office and me to the bar. Of course, I’m not actually going to the bar. Why would I waste my time sitting alone drinking a Dr. Pepper when I could be checking out these fuck fests behind me?
I’m not going to touch anyone. I may not be the best guy, but I would never do anything to hurt Isabel or Hunter.
I’m just too fucking curious to pass this up. But as I head toward the rooms, I’m suddenly faced with three doors—well, technically two, since one is for women only. I don’t know what leads me toward the men-only door, but maybe it’s the promise that male sex tends to be a little more enthusiastic, in my experience. It’s likely to be a better time, even if I keep my hands and cock to myself. It’s also going to be harder to keep those things to myself in here, since men are also a lot less subtle, but I can handle them.
The moment I pass through the doorway, I walk down a longish hallway until I meet the guard at the end. There’s a door behind him and a door to the right labeledlocker room.
“First time?” he asks.
“Is it that obvious?”
He smiles, then gestures to the door on his left. “Feel free to use the locker room before going in. You can wear whatever you want in the dark room, but condoms are mandatory and I will be checking.”
My brows rise as I nod. “Yes, sir.” I guess that means I’ll be hitting up the locker room first…and getting myself hard while I’m at it, since I have to go in suited up. Shouldn’t be too difficult. Even through the loud music, I can heareverythingin the other room. It sounds exactly like what it is. Lots of people fucking.
There are bowls of condoms on the counter and men moving about the dimly-lit space, some naked, some dressed. I grab a rubber and head over to a curtained stall to get myself ready. Some guys aren’t shy about making themselves hard out in the open. I’ll do just about anything, but I’ll save jacking myself off in public for sexier scenarios.
As I peel open my jeans, I find my man already at half-staff. It’s like he knows we’re in a sex club, reacting the same way a dog might react to pulling up to the dog park. Ready to play.
Sorry, bud. We’re just here to watch.
It only takes a simple reminder of the shit that went down last night to get my cock hard enough to roll on the condom. Isabel cuffed to that bench. Hunter coming down her throat. The look on his face as he climaxed. The way his abs contracted and his tattoos practically rippled with his orgasm.
All right, I should stop, or I’m going to blow early and miss my chance to experience the dark sex cave.
I’ve already decided I’m going to go into the room fully clothed. It’ll help to keep a barrier between me and anyone with the wrong idea. So, with my jeans still undone, I take my safely-sheathed cock out to the bouncer to show him that I’m ready to play…although I’m really ready to do absolutely nothing.
A waste of a condom, if you ask me.
The bouncer nods appreciatively at my cock and gives me a flirty wink before opening the door to let me in. “Have fun,” he mutters before I disappear into the darkness.
True to its name, it’s dark as fuck in here. Easing my way in, I watch the green glow-in-the-dark markers on the floor that lead me through the room, so I don’t topple over people or furniture.
I hear grunting off to the side, and I pause for a moment, trying to see who or what made the noise, but I can’t make out shit. There are more of the glow-in-the dark markers on the floor and a few on the walls with exclamation points stationed at various spots. Those must be the emergency buttons Mario told us about. And when I spot a green dot moving, I realize it’s on a bouncer.
When someone touches my arm, I flinch. “Excuse me,” the man mumbles before brushing past me. It’s such an eerie feeling, knowing anyone in here could touch me. I could literally fuck someone in here and never know what they look like or what their name is. It’s bizarre as hell when you think about it. But also…strangely liberating.