Page 18 of Give Me More
“Thanks. You guys are too good to me.”
When I feel Isabel’s hand against my leg, I flinch, something I’ve never done before. And she notices, but she doesn’t move her hand away. “You don’t need to thank us, Drake. You’re family. We would do anything for you.”
I know what she’s saying is true. Theywoulddo anything, but that’s the problem. Hunter and Isabel hold me on a short leash…and they don’t even know they do it. It’s like an emotional boundary I can’t cross, never letting me get too far away from them. And that’s my fault—because I’ve indulged them repeatedly over the past ten years.
I’ve been a third wheel in their lives for so long, I don’t know how to be without them, and I know they’ll grow sick of me before long. This little triad has to come to an end eventually. A thought that doesn’t feel good when I think about it, because it’s not about my feelings for Isabel or for Hunter…it’s about them with a capital T.
I care about the two of them more than anyone else in the world.
Rule #7: There’s a kink for everyone.
It’sa long drive from Phoenix to Austin. Drake and I take turns driving, and he took over in El Paso. Isabel is sleeping peacefully with her head in my lap in the back seat, while Drake has his music on, which means a lot of time for me to think. And the only place my mind wants to reside anymore is on that demonstration in the club last night.
At first, it was strange hownotangry I was at seeing my wife’s legs wrapped around my best friend. But it’s even more alarming that every time I think about it, I get a buzz of excitement, and I have to adjust myself in my pants.
Now, I just have to admit it, at least to myself—thinking about them together in a sexual way turns me on.
I’ve been in the kink business for seven years now. I know that the shit that gets us excited doesn’t have to be something we’re ashamed of—assuming it involves consent, of course. So I’m not going to bother being embarrassed by this new revelation. I’m a human, like anyone else, and I have no more control over my kinks than Garrett, the voyeur, or Emerson, the Dom.
But why haven’t I noticed this one before?
When we started the Salacious dating app, which is still running without a hitch, thanks to our development team, I was in charge of that department. I found the guys who made the technical stuff happen, but it also meant I was the guy responsible for organizing the whole damn thing. I had to explain to a group of code-writing virgins what each of these kinky designations meant and how to set an algorithm that would filter the app subscribers into their proper kinky groups.
So, I know probably more than any other owner of the club when it comes to kinks.
Which means I know exactly what cuckolding is—known more recently ashotwifing. Not something I knew existed seven years ago, but apparently, there are a whole lot of people out there who want to watch someone fuck their significant other. It’s grown in popularity over the last few years and was ranked in the top five of our categories, which meant our members were more into cuckolding than being whipped and paddled—which came in at number seven.
Number one was submission, for what it’s worth. Turns out a good Dom is hard to find.
What’s really weird to me is all that time, when I was helping the team develop the algorithm and putting together the entireFind Your Kinkquiz new members had to take, I had no clue that I had one myself.
But cuckolding is based on humiliation and degradation, and I sure as fuck don’t want to be humiliated. I want to be aroused. Does that make my kink morehotwife—just a guy who wants to share his beautiful woman with someone else? Who the fuck knows and who cares about terms? The point is…the idea of them gets me aroused and I want to know why.
The idea of being turned on by watching someone else touch Isabel never crossed my mind. Not until I saw the way Drake hoisted her into his arms, one hand planted firmly on her ass and the other holding the harness wrapped around her torso. And my body immediately reacted with a visceral response screamingmine.
But it was that instinctive possessiveness that turned me on in the first place. Because she’s mine, I wanted to see him touch her. Because she’s mine, I wanted to watch him experience just how perfect she is. And seeing him touch what is mine only made me more desperate to claim her again.
It awoke something primal and territorial in me.
So powerful, in fact, that I want to see them touching again. I know that’s insane, but I can’t help it. Even now, with her head resting on my leg, just thinking about her on Drake’s cock has mine stirring.
I glance up at the rearview mirror, but Drake’s eyes are focused on the road as he bops his head to the classic rock blasting through the speakers. Watching him, I briefly wonder…is it only Drake I want to see with Isabel?
What if it were Garrett? Or Emerson?
The image is uncomfortable and ill-fitting. It doesn’t have nearly the same effect that picturing my best friend does.
But would he do it? No. I know that answer without a second thought. There is no one on earth more loyal than Drake, and from the moment I claimed Isabel as mine, he threw his hands up in surrender, never bringing up how beautiful he thought she was that day we saw her walking by.
Drake and I don’t have an origin story. I don’t remember a moment in my life he wasn’t there. We grew up as neighbors on a completely different side of the tracks than Isabel did, and when the world gave us less than nothing, we always had each other.
When my dad laid into me on his extra drunk and angry days, it was Drake’s basement I hid in. When his mother brought home yet another faceless, nameless boyfriend, with no sense of respect for her own son, it was my room he escaped to. Through the years, we had each other’s backs through it all, which meant some less than questionable decisions in our teens, but when I decided to clean up my future for Isabel, I brought Drake with me. Lent him the money he needed to get his contracting license, and the startup for his own company, never giving him a choice about it either. I wasn’t leaving him behind. Not ever.
So, would he do this if I asked him to? Without question, no. And not because he has trouble refusing me, but because he’s just that loyal.
Would she?