Page 63 of Eyes on Me
The more she tries to get away, the more I fight to hold her. It feels liberating here, away from the lake house and our parents and the reminders that we shouldn’t be doing this.
She finally fights her way out of my hold. “Garrett, I’m serious. I’m mad at you.”
“Why?” I ask.
“Because you lied to me. And because you led me on at the lake house. Played with me and made me…”
“Made you what?” I ask with a teasing smile.
“Made me like you, dammit!”
God, she’s cute when she’s angry. Even as she slaps me hard across my face.
“I get that complaint a lot,” I reply smugly.
She shoves me against my chest again with a frustrated grunt.
“All right, then if you want to leave, leave.”
She juts her chin up at me obstinately. “No, I don’t want to leave. I want to…”
“Want to what? What the fuck did you come here for in the first place?”
As her mouth opens to reply, she pauses. “Forget it.” She shoves against me again, moving toward the door. I stop her by moving my body in front of hers.
“Come on now, what was it?”
“You know what it was,” she mutters, without looking me in the eyes.
“I think I do, but say it, just so I know we’re on the same page.”
“I want you to fuck me, Garrett!” she yells, and I do my best to keep the smile off my face, but I’m only a man, after all, and that was both adorable and sexy as fuck at the same time.
“Shut up!” she screams, shoving me again. “You knew what I wanted, but you made me say it anyway.”
“And what about what we said yesterday? That we’re done playing. Remember?”
“You know what?” she says, lifting her chin. “You’re right. I’m in a sex club, after all. I’m sure I can find someone else to do it for me. I bet Eden could—”
With that, she spins on her heels and walks toward the door again. I know she’s full of shit, and arguing is just what we do, but I refuse to let her play that game with me.
“Like hell you are,” I bellow, hoisting her short frame up by the waist and tossing her over my shoulder. She puts up a little fight, but it’s unconvincing. If she wants down, she’ll fight her way down. Mia can be mad at me all she wants, but she’s not getting away from me. And she knows it.
“Where are you taking me?” She squeals as I carry her down the long hallway.
“You’re done being a brat, Mia,” I tell her as we reach the door that leads to the rooms along the other side of the building.
And I realize as we reach the first door on the left that Mia has left me with no choice. This is what she wants, and all the reasons we shouldn’t do this have been overshadowed by the image of her in the voyeur hall with Eden.
Setting her down inside the room, she looks around before gazing up at me. Of course, I didn’t bring her to just any room. I brought her to the one with large mirrors on every wall and even on the ceiling.
“This is what you want, isn't it? If you want to back out, here’s your chance.”
She takes one look at me and then she jumps into my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck and latching onto my lips with her own.
I bury my hands into her hair at the nape of her neck and kiss her with wild energy and frantic need. Pulling her bottom lip between my teeth, I pinch the tender flesh just to hear her yelp into my mouth. And just as I expected, she bites me back like I wanted her to, nipping my lip between her teeth so hard it hurts. We are a frenzy of gnashing teeth and tangled tongues, my hands in her hair and hers gripping the jacket of the suit in her fists.
As I shove her against the wall, I grind my aching cock against her, already leaking at the tip just at the thought of being inside her. The moment Hunter told me she was in the club, my dick started throbbing. By the time I reached her, it was painfully hard.