Page 32 of Eyes on Me
As I come out of the bathroom, I hear Reese’s voice down the hallway that leads to the back door.
“I’m telling you, it’s her!” he exclaims into his phone. I press myself against the wall, so he doesn’t see me as I listen in.
“No, I haven’t asked her if she’s a fucking camgirl, but look at those pictures I sent you. It’s definitely WickedKitten.”
Goosebumps erupt along my arms and neck.
“Dude,” he laughs. “Of course I’m going to fuck her. She’s been trying to touch my dick all night. As soon as I get her away from her creepy fucking brother, I’ll take her back to my place. I bet she lets me film it, and I’ll send it to you.”
Fuck this guy. My blood turns to scalding in a heartbeat as I march toward him with a sneer pulling on my lips.
“Give me this,” I bark. I grab his phone out of his hand without warning.
“Dude, what the fuck?”
I toss it on the floor as I slam him against the wall. “Listen to me, you little shit. I don’t care what the fuck you saw or what you think about Mia. If you try to lay a hand on her, I promise I’ll break it off, understand?”
He shoves against me, but I’m stronger and more determined, so I lock him against the wall with my forearm pressed to his throat.
“It’s so obvious you want to fuck your sister, you pervert!” he manages to squeak out, although I’ve got him pinned so tight he can barely breathe.
“Yeah, well, I’d rather be a pervert than a douchebag.”
“Garrett!” a familiar female voice screams from the entrance to the hallway. “Let him go!”
On instinct, I pull away, staring at her and wondering just how much of that she heard. Reese sputters and coughs, trying to suck in air as she reaches for his phone.
But Mia gets to it before him, and as she picks it up, she asks, “Are you okay?” Then she glances down at the screen to see her own picture, which we both see clear as day. It’s bright as fuck, and she’s naked, sprawled out on the mattress of her bed. I watch Mia’s face go stark white and her eyes widen like saucers.
I snatch the phone out of her hand and shove it toward Reese. “Delete it. Now,” I bellow.
Mia stands frozen between us as Reese composes himself, not moving with the phone in his hand.
“Now!” My voice thunders through the dim hallway. Finally, he starts punching buttons on his phone, and I watch the photo disappear.
“It was you, wasn’t it?” Reese asks her. “You’re some porn star, right?”
“I’m not a porn star,” she replies.
“Yeah, well, whatever. You get naked for money.”
“That’s enough,” I bark at him, but he ignores me. The way he’s talking to her, flashing her picture around, sharing it with his friends, I know it’s humiliating to her, and it’s making me want to pummel his face with my fist.
Then he reaches out for her, and I see red.
“Let’s get out of here,” he says. “I already know what your hourly rate is, sweetheart. I can pay it.”
My fist flies on its own accord, connecting with his jaw in a resounding crack. Time stops moving for a moment as Mia and I stare at him. Then, at the same time, we look at each other, the energy of the moment sobering us instantly.
Reese is whining about the pain when I grab Mia’s hand and drag her out of the bar in a rush. Before she and I are out the door, she shoots back one quick “Fuck you” to Reese.
“Mia, wait up,” I shout, but she’s speed walking home. After we bolted from the bar, Mia has avoided even looking at me. She took off in a sprint up the long, dark road that leads back to the house, and all I can think about are the people leaving the bar after too many drinks and not seeing the short, furious woman walking too close to the road.
It’s not until we’re standing in front of the house that I finally catch up to her. She’s rushing for the door, but I’m not ready to let her go just yet. I grab her arm to stop her, but she quickly pulls away. “Leave me alone, Garrett!”