Page 25 of Eyes on Me
“It’s nice to see you running again.”
I instantly clench up. Squinting my eyes, I look away. Why are mothers so open about everything? Why does she have to bring up the dark shit like it’s nothing? I clear my throat and nod.
“Yeah,” I reply with nothing else to contribute. I do notice Mia’s attention suddenly back on me with a little more curiosity than before.
“Well…my replacement is here,” my mom adds with a wink.
“What?” Mia replies, looking at her.
I notice the way Mia adjusts her bottoms and wraps her hands around her middle when she sees me watching. As if she’s trying to hide something about herself.
“Come on, Garrett. Your turn,” my mother calls, paddling herself to the dock. I help her climb out, and she wobbles a little more once her feet are on solid-ish ground.
“I just ran nine miles. Do I really need to do paddleboard yoga now?” I ask, and I spot some reluctance on Mia’s face. My mom has no idea that forcing us together right now is incredibly awkward, but I guess it’s a good thing she doesn’t know.
“It’s okay. I’ll get out,” Mia cuts in with a look of disappointment hidden under that forced smile.
Mom’s not having any of that. “Don’t you dare. You just got out here. Plus, Garrett needs to stretch after that run.”
I hesitantly slip off my sneakers and tear off my sweaty shirt. It might be nice to actually have some alone time with Mia. My mom hands me her paddle and I lower myself down on the empty board.
Mia’s watching me with a tight-lipped expression as my board cants to one side then the other, and I know for certain that, at some point, I’m going into the water.
“Are you sure about this?” she asks, holding back the urge to laugh.
“No,” I reply.
Mia giggles as I take forever finding my balance. The tension between us fades into the background for the time being. And we focus solely on how I must have the world’s worst balance and can’t seem to stay upright on astand-uppaddleboard.
“Why don’t you just sit down? It’s easier to start that way.”
I laugh, looking at her with a blush on my cheeks as I drop to my ass on the board. Holding the paddle across my body, I row toward the middle of the lake with her. She’s kneeling, her spine straight and her shoulders back. In the late afternoon light, she looks so beautiful, it’s actually breathtaking.
“You have to find your balance,” she says as I wobble again, nearly falling off. I’m still on my butt—how is that even possible?
“Yeah…I don’t have a lot of balance.”
“Deep breath. Just relax. You’re trying too hard.”
“Ha. Said no one ever.”
“Garrett, I’m serious. Just take a deep breath and relax.”
When I glance over at her, she’s the picture of serenity. I love the way her cheeks look with a little sunburn under her eyes and no makeup.
All right, all right. Deep breath.
I do as she says, and on the long exhale, it feels as if I’m releasing air that I’ve been holding on to for too long. It feels…nice.
“Better,” she says softly, her gentle voice carrying across the calm waters. I can’t for the life of me understand why she’s being so nice to me, especially after last night.
“Better,” I say, repeating her. It’s quiet for a while as we paddle without speaking.
Finally, she looks over at me as she says, “Aren’t you going to apologize to me?”
“Apologize for what?” I reply, although I know. And while I’m aware I should apologize, knowing and gathering the balls to actually do it are two different things.
“For being an asshole. Forattackingme,” she says as she curls a lock of wispy hair behind her ear.