Page 10 of Eyes on Me
But I spilled it all over myself when I saw your face.
Fuck, that was lame. She laughs anyway, not the full-belly laugh I’m used to, but a simplified version that still manages to make me smile.
God, Mia…what the fuck are you doing? This can’t be real.
“No, you didn’t,” she replies playfully. She crawls into bed and puts her phone into some sort of holder, so she no longer has to keep it upright with her hands. This new position gives me a perfect view of her body nestled against crisp white pillows and a rustic wooden headboard.
That’s her fucking bed. I’ve seen it a hundred times from our summers at the lake.
My cock twitches in my pants.No. You shut the fuck up.
I haven’t seen Mia in person in six months. But even then, I never really noticed how grown up she’s gotten. There’s no denying that the bratty little kid I once knew grew into a beautiful woman, even if I’ve never bothered to look at her that way. She has exquisite curves and the confidence of someone comfortable in her own skin. Stepsister or not, that’s fucking sexy.
“Drake, I think I’m going to slip into my PJs. Do you want me to go off camera or stay where you can see me?” She bites her lower lip and gives me a flirty raised-brow expression.
My cock practically jumps this time.
Typeoff camera, asshole. Type it now.
And maybe if I wasn’t a little drunk, I would. But I tell myself I’m just doing this to test her, to make sure she’s not really getting naked for strangers on the internet.
But it feels just a little too satisfying to type out the words:
Show me.
Goddammit. Goddamn me. Goddamn my stupid cock and my fucking mom for marrying someone with such a stubborn, beautiful, brat of a daughter and goddamn Mia for doing this to me. And goddamn the world’s longest dry spell I’m currently in.
The camera must be on some sort of swiveling attachment because she rotates it around a bit, letting me watch her climb across the bed, crawling in such a way that I’m given a sneak peek of her cute ass beneath that black-pleated skirt.
God, I just looked at Mia’s ass.
I groan.
I’ve managed to contain the shameless monster in my pants to a minor chub up until this point, but when Mia smiles at the camera as she slips her skirt down, revealing a black thong and an ample, round ass, I really do try to look away.
“I hope you’re still there,” she says, turning around while she digs in her drawers for her pajamas. “Because I can’t see my messages from here.”
She pulls her yellow top over her head, and my gaze catches on the softness of her belly and the supple curves of her hips. And that gross big-brother brain kicks in with some sick satisfaction that she looks better than she did a few years ago when she was on that gymnastics team, and I was hounding her about her terrible eating habits and lack of nutritious calories. God, she got so mad at me for that, but she was too skinny, and her arguments about how skinny-shaming were the same as fat-shaming had little effect on me. I just wanted to see more flesh on her bones, and fuck me…she looks…better now.
“The blue or the red?” she asks, holding up two different silk pajama sets, both lacy and sexy, but I’m too busy staring at the cute dimples in her ass to care about color.
She leans forward to read the screen from across the room. Then her eyebrows shoot upward as she takes in my response.
“Oh. Want me to stay in this?” She models her lacy black thong and see-through bra for me.
Chubby no more, my cock is starting to strain against my boxers.
This feels wrong.
Okay…no, it doesn’t. But it fuckingshould.Because itiswrong.
Mia has no idea it’s me on the other end of this call. This is a major invasion of her privacy and crossing about a hundred bright, bold lines, surrounded by sirens and caution tape andDo Not Entersigns, but I ignore every single one of them. I can’t help it.