Page 103 of Praise
“Good,” she announces, placing a hand on my leg. “That was the intent. Do you think men ever feel bad for the stuff they like? Do they get called sluts or depraved or nasty? No. I think we’re all tired of being shamed and shoved into these quiet, perfect little innocent versions of ourselves while men can be as deviant as they want.”
I can’t help the grin that takes over my expression. “I think I love you,” I reply.
She quickly cheers my glass before announcing, “Good. We could all use more love, right?”
“Right,” I reply, sucking down what’s left in my glass.
“Geo, someone needs another,” Eden announces, when she notices the look on my face growing somber.
After Geo sets down my drink, I let out a heavy sigh. Eden must be reading my mind because she leans in and says, “He’s here, but I haven’t seen him with anyone. He’s probably in the office.”
Or in one of the rooms with someone else.
“I don’t know why I came,” I mutter quietly to myself.
“I do,” she answers immediately. “To show him what he’s missing.”
“By sitting here alone at the bar?” I laugh.
Eden is staring at me with a calculating expression on her face. “Tell me, Charlotte. Have you ever been with a woman before?”
My eyes widen, as I choke on my drink. She responds with a light chuckle.
“That’s what I figured. If I promise to take it slow, would you like to go make your man crazy with jealousy? I don’t think it will take much.”
Maybe it’s the two drinks I’ve already finished or the excitement for the unknown, but I can’t think of a single reason why I’d turn down that offer. Eden is drop dead gorgeous, and there’s definitely an attraction here. We’re not talking about full-blown sex, but the idea of drawing Emerson’s attention is something I can’t say no to.
“Come on.” She grabs my hand and pulls me away from the bar. “Let’s go have some fun.”
What a waste of time. I own a fucking sex club, and I spend my Friday night hiding in the office, instead of mingling with members. I actually thought I could find someone here to fuck my depression away with, but I couldn’t even muster the desire to look a woman in the eyes. Instead, I’m mindlessly watching the cameras, sipping on my bourbon when Maggie walks in.
“Oh,” she says, freezing in the doorway. “I didn’t know you were here.” She looks strangely flustered, and I narrow my eyes at her.What’s she been up to?No use in asking, though. Maggie never divulges her stories the way the rest of us do. In fact, she’s a mostly closed book, and if she’s ever met anyone or done anything, there’s not a single member of our group who would know about it.
“Don’t mind me,” I reply, “I’m just moping.”
A sympathetic expression crosses her face. Then she walks in and closes the door behind her, muffling the music thumping in the main room.
“Garrett filled us all in last night when you didn’t show up for drinks.”
I nod into my glass. I was having drinks…I was just having them alone. “You must think I’m pathetic.”
She rests her hip against the desk and stares down at me. “You know what…this is the first time I’ve ever seen you look so pathetic.”
My brow furrows as I pick my head up. “Well…thanks.”
“I mean it. In the ten years I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you get this bothered by a girl.”
“A first time for everything,” I joke, holding up my glass.
She lets out a heavy sigh. “So, you’re not going to go after her?”
“I’ve tried. She’s not returning my calls, and my son has made it very clear that he wants me to stay away from her.”