Page 26 of Noble Love
“I’ve got her down to cleaning my room,” I offer.
My granddad groans. Mom’s mouth thins out. “Noble Patton, please tell me you aren’t having your future wife clean your room? She should not be working at all. This is her first year. She should just be studying and enjoying herself. I hope you take care of that first thing tomorrow morning.”
I hide a smile behind my napkin. “Yes, ma’am.”
“But Ms. Patton, I want to work.”
“I know you do, dear, but you will have plenty of time to do so after college. If you don’t let Noble take care of you, what’s he supposed to do? He’ll feel useless, and you don’t want that, do you?”
Autumn shakes her head in a daze as my mom snowplows over her. “Good, I’m glad we have that all worked out. Next weekend, you and I will go shopping together. There’s a new collection being shown at the salon, and I’ll need someone to help me spend Paddy’s money. He worked too hard for it to just sit in the bank and gather dust and interest for the damned bankers. Oh, here comes the waiter. Let’s all order the special today. Who is that walking toward us? Do you know him?”
I turn in my seat to see Rob Track’s father storming through the crowd. “Yeah, unfortunately. I think he’s about to make a scene.” I just handled my father last week, threatening him with a restraining order that would be very public along with the threat of leaking some things to the press that would make sure he never landed another acting job if he didn’t stay away from both Autumn and me. She doesn’t need to deal with his bullshit. I watched my mom do it for too long. I won’t let it happen to another woman in my life if I have the power to stop it.
Autumn looks like she wants to slide under the table. I get to my feet, but I’m too late. Mr. Track reaches us before I can cut him off. He doesn’t even glance in my direction but instead points a finger at my mom. “Your son has been throwing his weight around on campus like he owns the damned place. I paid Rob’s tuition just like everyone else, and he is damned well going to get his degree. I don’t know who you have to call, but he needs to be back at school tomorrow morning.”
“Mr. Track, let’s take this outside,” I suggest. I reach for him, but he wards me off with a raised arm.
“I know that your son has a crackhead for a father, but I expected better out of you, Erin.”
“I don’t even know who you are,” Mom responds without even looking in Track’s direction as she is busy rearranging her napkin on her lap.
“Be gone,” Grandad says with a wave of his hand. “You’re disturbing a family dinner.”
Track clenches his jaw. “You know that this girl at your table is nothing more than hired help. My boy wanted a little taste, nothing more, but your precious grandson had to slum it.”
I don’t even realize my fist is in the air, but it is, and then it’s in Track’s face. Half the patrons scream.
Mom, though, gestures for the waiter. “You need to take out the trash here.” She points to Track, who is leaning against an empty chair, breathing heavily, with a trail of blood seeping from the side of his mouth. “Come sit down, dear. No need to exert yourself over that man.” She reaches across the table to grab Autumn’s hand. “Sometimes you’ll run into people who are terrible, but remember that you’re not alone. The family is here to protect you.”
Autumn’s lower lip trembles, but she manages not to cry. “Thank you.”
“No, thank you for making Noble happy. It makes us happy.” Mom pats the chair again. “Sit, Noble. The wait staff will take care of the mess.” She hands me a napkin for my hand. “Put this on your knuckles. They’re going to swell. Autumn, please take care of him.”
“I will.”
“I can’t wait,” I murmur.
That comment earns me a mild kick in the shin. I wink at her, and she pinkens. Across the table, Granddad gives me a grunt of approval while Mom sighs in satisfaction. I pick up my glass and propose a toast. “To Autumn for taking me on, and to my family, who loves me and will love Autumn, too.”
“To Autumn,” Mom cheers.
“To all of us.” Autumn says.
Under the table, she grabs my hand, and she doesn’t let it go throughout the entire lunch or when we leave for the car, and not even when we get back home, where I make love to her in the fading sunlight of the afternoon. We’re bound together, her and me, forever.
Ten years later
“Nothing fits me,”I huff, glaring at all the clothes in my giant closet. How can I own so much shit and none of it fits? Well, anything that one wouldn’t wear to bed.
“I enjoy you naked.” I spin around to see my husband standing in the doorway of my closet. He’s in slacks and a buttoned-up shirt. The top few buttons are undone, and his sleeves are rolled up. He works from home three days a week, and today was a home day. I loved being able to pop into his office whenever I wanted. I hadn’t today, though. My hands have been full.
“Okay, I’ll go naked.” He narrows his eyes on me, not liking my suggestion.
“Don’t think because you’re pregnant I won't spank your little ass.”