Page 23 of Noble Love
“So, you wouldn’t have done it just for me?”
I hesitate because I’m not sure if I should lie. “I would’ve done it just for you.”
Her hand tightens, and she blows out a long stream of air, almost as if she’s controlling the urge to cry again.
“You mad?” I wish I’d kept my big mouth shut.
“No. It’s that I’ve never been this important to someone, and it’s really affecting me in a big way. You’re wrecking me, Noble. What happens when you are done with me? How do I move on?”
My head comes up, and I pin her with a hard stare. “When you move on? You’re never moving on, and I’m not ever going to be done with you. This is forever, girl.”
“How can you say that? We’ve only been together for a few weeks, and we’re young. You could find someone else after college. You’re graduating, and I have three more years to go.”
“First off, I’m going into the MBA program. Second, my family’s company headquarters are here. Third, even if the first two weren’t true, I’d still be on your tail. I’m going to be around so much you’re going to wish I had hobbies that weren’t loving you, fucking you, feeding you, and buying you shit.”
Her eyebrows shoot up. “Loving?”
“Yeah, loving. Isn’t that what’s going on between us? I’ll never let you go. Or are you going to toss me away once you finally get my virginity?”
She bursts into tears again, but this time her cries are mixed with laughs. “You dummy. Of course I’m not tossing you aside. You’d better be serious, though, because I’m not giving you up. I’m sticking by your side like a leech.”
I gather her into my arms, my heart feeling lighter than it has in hours. “Can we think of something less slimy to compare you to? Maybe a bird or a cat?”
“Birds don’t stay, and cats hate their owners.”
“Puppy then?”
“Do I look like a puppy?” She bats her eyelashes at me.
“You’re as cute as one but less slobbery. I wouldn’t mind leashing you.”
“I do not want to be walked around like a dog,” she warns.
“Leech it is.” I pick her up and carry her over to the bed. “I love you. I’m never leaving you. I’m going to remove all the rocks in your path so that you don’t even so much get a stubbed toe. All I want is for you to love me back for all of eternity.”
“I do love you.”I reach up, needing to touch his face. “That’s what this has to be. I’ve never felt anything like this before. I think that’s why it scares me. It’s all-consuming.”
“Good. I want to consume you.”
“Then do it already. You technically took my virginity forever ago,” I tease him. “I’m way past being healed.” He’d said the first time we have sex he didn’t want it to be painful, which I thought was super sweet. It’s days later, and even though we are still doing all kinds of dry humping and oral, there still hasn’t been full sex.
“That wasn’t the only thing I was waiting on.” He brushes his mouth against mine.
“What else were you waiting on?”
“For you to realize that I’m safe. That I love you. That I’m not going anywhere.”
“Noble.” Tears start to sting my eyes again. I had no idea men like him existed. I’m starting to wonder if Noble is my payback. For all the bullshit and lack of love I had to endure growing up in the system, I was rewarded and found Noble. Or maybe he’s the one that found me. Over and over again.
“Don’t cry on me. I hate it when you’re upset.” He presses kisses to my cheek.
“You really live up to your name.”
“Yeah, I think my mom wanted to make sure I wasn’t anything like my father.”