Page 18 of Noble Love
I grab Autumn’s hand and try to use the commotion as cover to sneak away, but Dad’s on a mission.
“Sorry, folks. Another time, but for now, I’m spending the afternoon with my son.” His heavy hand falls on my shoulder.
“Noble Patton is Nick White’s son?” someone murmurs.
I grab my dad’s elbow and drag him away from the crowd. “I don’t want you coming to campus again. If you want to talk to me, call me.”
“I would, but you don’t answer my calls.” He leans around and smiles at Autumn. “Does he answer yours? Don’t take it personally if he ignores you. He probably isn’t doing it intentionally.”
“No. I’m purposefully ignoring you.” I stop when I reach the edge of campus, just before restaurant row where the sandwich, taco, and pizza shops line up in the storefronts underneath the off-campus apartments. “Sorry,” I say to Autumn. “I need to deal with this.” I pull out some cash. “Why don’t you get us some dinner? This won’t take long.”
“I’ll take a turkey club, hold the bacon and the mayo.” Dad pulls up his shirt, which makes Autumn avert her eyes.
“Go. Now,” I order because she’s not moving fast enough. A flash of hurt speeds through her eyes. I guess demanding things of her outside the bedroom is the wrong way to go about it, but I’m desperate to separate her from this fuck ass scene.
“If you get tired of my son—”
“One more fucking word out of you, and I’m going to beat you senseless,” I say through gritted teeth. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Autumn’s mouth fall open. If she won’t move, then I have to get out of here. I clamp my hand around my dad’s elbow once again and march him toward the parking lot beyond restaurant row. He waves over my head toward Autumn.
“I don’t see the two of you lasting long,” he says.
I’ve never struck my dad, and he’s never hit me, but I feel about two seconds away from some real violence. “How much money do you need?” I ask. I’m furious at him for putting me in this position, and furious at myself for not being able to predict that it would happen and prevent it in some way.
A sly grin comes across his face. “For now? Fifty grand. I’ve got some debts to pay off.”
“Fifty—are you fucking kidding me?”
“I know you have it. Your granddad has a nice trust fund set up for you, some of which you got access to when you turned twenty-one. You’ll get another seven figures when you graduate, and then the bulk of it comes when you’re thirty. I’ll pay you back when I get my next acting gig. Otherwise, I guess you’ll be seeing more of me. What would you like?” He nods his head toward restaurant row. “Because I can see me and Autumn getting real close. Real, real close.”
I worrymy bottom lip between my lips as I wait for Noble at the sandwich shop. I skipped getting the sandwich his father requested. I’m almost positive he won't be joining us. It was clear that Noble was set on getting him far away from me. I’m not sure what to make of the whole thing, to be honest.
I still remember that first day when I met his father. Well, I didn’t exactly meet him. I was fleeing Noble’s room as his father was entering. I recall him saying something to Noble about slumming it with me. Now today he’s trying to be nice?
Actually, nice is the wrong word for what he was being with that comment about me calling him if I get tired of Noble. The whole thing was strange, especially Noble’s behavior. I’ve never seen him that irritable and snippy.
“So, Noble? That’s your type?” I glance up to see Nathan standing next to the table I grabbed for myself and Noble. Our sandwiches remain untouched.
I ordered us food even though my appetite was gone. The exchange with his father caused a knot to form in my stomach. There’s just something about that man that doesn’t sit well with me. That goes for the boy standing in front of me as well. I mean, could this day get any worse?
“Is there something you want, Nathan?” I hate how he’s looming over the table. I try not to fidget, not wanting him to know I’m uncomfortable. I think he’d enjoy that. That’s the type of person he is.
“Is it the money? I should have known you’d spread those pretty legs for some cash.” Nathan shakes his head. “I’ve got money too, so when he’s done with you, come find me.” I stare up at him in shock. His words are like a physical slap to my face. “Why the shocked look? Do you actually think he is going to keep you?” He barks a laugh. “Take you to the country club?”
“Why don’t you—”
“There a problem here?” Noble’s hand comes down on Nathan’s shoulder.
Nathan winces. “Just saying hi,” he lies.
“Time to say bye.” Noble doesn’t actually give Nathan a chance to say anything. He shoves him when he releases his hold on his shoulder. Nathan stumbles, tripping over his own two feet. He almost falls to the floor but catches himself at the last second.
Noble leans down, placing a soft kiss to my lips before sitting down at the table. “How was class?” he asks, bypassing any conversation about his father or what just happened with Nathan.
“How was class?” I’m stunned that's what he’s asking me right now.