Page 6 of Tempting Her Guardian (Forbidden Fantasies)
But right now, Romy’s in a playful mood.
“This is great!” the pretty blonde coos with a smile. “We’re packed in like sardines, but I see this as an opportunity for the four of us to get to know each other better. Right, George? It’ll be fun.”
Her stepdad grins, looking fondly at the blonde vixen.
“I definitely agree,” he growls. “It’s a tight squeeze, but we’ll be fine. We can adapt.”
That’s when I cut in.
“Yeah, but what are the sleeping arrangements?” I ask in a puzzled tone. “I mean, you guys seem to have your luggage on only one side of the room. Does that mean…?”
Romy laughs merrily again, flipping a strand of blonde hair over one shoulder.
“Oh yes, definitely,” she hums without missing a beat. “George thought it would be easier this way. He and I will share one bed, while you and Piper share the other so family stays with family,” she says, gesturing to the untouched mattress on the other side of the cabin. “As you can see, George and I have already spread out everywhere here, so apologies in advance for the mess.”
I stare at the other man. Is this some kind of fucking joke? It’s not that Iwantto share a mattress with him. Of course not. But never in a million years did I think that we’d be sleeping with our respective daughters. After all, isn’t there some law against this? There must be.
But Piper merely pulls my elbow to the other side of the room.
“No, it’s fine,” she says quickly. “Again, this is only temporary. Nancy over at reception said that there will likely be an opening soon, and we’re the first on her list to be called.”
At that, is it my imagination, or do George and Romy share a indecipherable look? If I had to guess, it’s almost as if they don’twantto be separated. But how can that be true? We could all do with more space, not to mention the fact that it’s practically illegal to share a bed with your step-anything.
But George merely shrugs.
“Well, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” he says in an easy growl. “Meanwhile, let’s unpack and get some food. I’m starved!” he says, smiling at Romy before leaning forward to pinch the pretty blonde’s bottom. She squeals and jumps away, but then slaps him playfully on a bicep.
“Oh you,” she murmurs. “Starting up already! You’re such a troublemaker.”
I’m stunned by that interaction because that was definitely not the vibe of a stepfather and his stepdaughter. Instead, it was very much the playful flirtation of a couple, and yet how can that be? Romy and George are related, albeit not biologically, so what the fuck is going on?
I turn to my ward to see if she noticed too, but Piper’s already unzipping her duffel and pulling items out in order to stow them away in a lone closet at the back of the cabin. Her brown curls fall forward, covering her features, so that I can’t see what she’s thinking. But that curvaceous figure is trembling a bit, and suddenly, I have a feeling that Piper knows something that I don’t … and that we’re in for a wild ride.
Dinner at the mess hall was pretty good, actually. I didn’t have high hopes for the food, but it turns out the Camp Cheer staff is pretty good at cooking in bulk, and so we had steak (yum!) as well as mashed potatoes, green beans, and my favorite for dessert: cheesecake. Give me a cheesecake any day, and my mood is sure to improve.
Although I wouldn’t say I’m in abadmood, exactly. I’m more surprised, is what it is. After all, I know Romy well and my friend isn’t one to be a shy pansy. Yet, the brazen way in which she and her stepdad have decided to share a bed is out of this world. When they made the announcement and then suggested that Stan and I share a mattress as well, I thought my guardian’s eyes were going to pop out of his head. I saw his jaw line tense, and that big body harden a bit.
But I couldn’t even make eye contact with Stan because the truth is that I’m a little excited to share a bed with him. Of course, we won’t touch or anything, but still, it’s tantalizing to think that for eight hours every night, I’ll be lying right next to the gorgeous man. His broad shoulders will be a hair’s-breadth away, not to mention those powerful thighs and the giant anaconda in his boxers.
The thought makes me giggle because I wonder if he’ll sleep in the nude? Of course not. It would be insane, seeing that I’m in the cabin, not to mention George and Romy too. Still, I wonder if Stan will get hot at night and shuck his boxers off, only to put them back on first thing in the morning before anyone else is awake. I wouldn’t mind one bit. Just saying, even if it’s naughty behavior.
But now, all four of us are getting ready for bed. We just got back from the mess hall, and I got changed in the bathroom. Being a little shy (especially in front of Romy’s stepdad), I’m wearing a pretty pink camisole and tank set, but I’ve decided to add the matching cardigan for now at least. It’s too much to parade around in scraps of nothing in front of grown men, and I’d feel weird doing it.
When I step outside shyly, George and Stan are already dressed in boxers and tees, and my god, but the men look delicious. They’re both enormous, bronzed, and not the least bit sleepy from what I can tell. George’s blue eyes gleam at Romy as she goes to use the bathroom, and my friend just giggles while shooting him a wink over her shoulder. Meanwhile, Stan’s got a frown on his face, but he gets into our bed and grabs a book while we wait for lights out.
Finally, Romy emerges from the bathroom, and I gasp a bit because my friend isn’t leaving anything to the imagination. She’s wearing a bra and thong set that definitely can’t pass as pajamas. They’re made of a sheer, rose-colored lace that complements her peaches and cream collection, while also highlighting her big, Double D tits and narrow waist. The gossamer strap of the thong is buried deep between her ass cheeks so that you can’t even see it, and she’s got her blonde hair prettily arranged in loose waves about her shoulders.
“I thought it would be more comfortable this way,” she coos at George before throwing a wink at me and Stan. “It’s hot in this cabin!”
That’s true. The summer night is sweltering, and we’ve got both windows open, although it doesn’t seem to help much. The air is muggy and moist, almost dripping with anticipation. Yet, Romy acts like nothing is awry and sashays over to the bed before lifting the blanket and getting into bed.
“Oooh, the sheets are cold!” she squeals before snuggling up against George. “You’ll have to keep me warm, Daddy.”
With that, Stan shoots me a look that’s almost a glare. His blue eyes burn with icy heat, and I can see a dark flush on those high cheekbones. But without another word, he snaps off the cabin lights using the switch by his side of the bed, and the entire room descends into darkness. There’s a bit of moonlight coming in from the window by Romy and George, but it isn’t much. We can’t see anything, and I settle further into my pillow even though my eyes are wide open.