Page 4 of Tempting Her Guardian (Forbidden Fantasies)
“You are?”
“Oh hell yeah!” my friend exclaims. “Camp Cheer was made for being bad, and honestly, I wasn’t even interested in going except that George volunteered to be one of the chaperones. That made it bearable at least. Oh wait. Isn’t Stan one of the chaperones too?” she asks curiously.
I nod.
“Yes, and he and George are supposed to be roommates, so I guess Stan’s going to find out about your taboo relationship. Seeing that it’ll be hard to keep secrets when he’ll be sharing a space with George?”
Romy merely giggles, flipping a silky lock of blonde hair over her shoulder.
“I guess,” she says in an airy voice. “We’ll figure it out. But the long and the short of it is that Camp Cheer is going to be two weeks of total hedonism because I’ll be out in the woods with the man I love, and nothing’s going to stop us from getting it on.”
I merely swallow hard and shake my head because this isn’t what I anticipated from cheerleading camp. I thought us girls were basically attending a two-week training camp with a purpose: to learn our routines and to get them memorized and polished before senior year starts in a month or so. But it seems that my buddy has her own agenda, and she’s not going to be dissuaded from it.
“Thanks for the heads up,” I manage again in a wobbly voice. “I guess I’ll know what to expect when you sneak out every night.”
“That’s right, roomie!” Romy giggles. “And I’ll be outeverynight because I don’t sleep apart from George anymore. He needs sex at least once every twenty-four hours because that man is a stallion and gets all jumpy and disgruntled if he doesn’t get it. So yeah, I’ll only be seeing you during practice and meals here and there,” she winks.
I nod and smile again, but inside my mind’s going at sixty miles an hour. After all, we leave on Monday for Camp Cheer, but how is this going to work? I understand that Romy won’t be in our cabin at night, but where will she and George go? Or will they do it in the cabin that George is sharing with Stan? Then where will Stan go? Will he come and stay with me?
My blood runs hot and my cheeks flush again at the thought of sleeping in the same room as Stan. He’s gorgeous, and my suspicion is that my guardian slumbers in the nude, although of course, I’m not totally sure. But I’d love to find out because the older man’s physique is massive, bronzed, and looks to be carved from wood. Plus, there’s one particular piece of him that I’ve glimpsed once or twice when he’s come out of the shower … and I would give anything to touch it during our two-week interlude in the forest.
Fuck me. I can’t believe this is happening. How the fuck did I get roped into being a chaperone for a women’s cheerleading camp?
It’s that asshat George Richards. He told me that it wouldn’t be a big deal. It’s not like we were going to have to coach the girls or anything like that. Instead, it would be a two-week getaway in the forest to relax and re-charge. In fact, we wouldn’t even see the girls most of the time because they’d be too busy practicing their cheer moves.
But now, the unthinkable has happened. Piper and I rolled out bright and early and now we’re checking in at camp headquarters. But the woman at the desk is shaking her head dolefully.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Conway,” she apologizes. “There’s been a huge mix-up. We didn’t realize there were so many campers, and as a result, the sleeping arrangements have been changed.”
I stare at her, Piper at my side. My beautiful ward smells delicious, like warm vanilla mixed with strawberry, and I desperately want to bury my nose in her curly hair. But I make myself stare at the administrator, ignoring Piper for a moment.
“I’m sorry?” I growl in a low voice.
The middle-aged woman with a graying bob and a purple polo with a badge that says “Nancy” pinned to her breast pocket sighs again.
“There’s been a mix-up,” she apologizes. “We simply don’t have enough cabins to go around, so you’ll have to double up with another two people.”
I stare at her.
“But who could I double up with?” I ask in a slow tone. “From what I understand, George Richards and I are the only male chaperones on this trip. Who could we possibly bunk with? The female chaperones? The camp counselors? Random strangers?”
The woman frowns and stares at her computer screen.
“Well, I see here that you’re here for cheerleading camp with your daughters. Could you possibly double up with your daughters? I know it would be awkward, but it’s the best solution I can provide.”
I stare at her. Of course, neither Romy nor Piper are our biological daughters, but I guess Nancy doesn’t know that.
“You must be shitting me,” I say in a slow voice. “I’m a grown man and it’s already pretty embarrassing to be sharing a room with anyone else, much less another adult male. And now, you want me and George to share a cabin with our daughters?”
Nancy shrugs helplessly, her blue eyes apologetic.
“Yes, if that’s okay? I’m so sorry, Mr. Conway, we just don’t have any other solutions right now. The other campsite is too far away, and besides, there’s no availability there either. I think we’ve asked people to double up at Camp Wanahawee as well.”
Rage is simmering in my veins.