Page 19 of Tempting Her Guardian (Forbidden Fantasies)
“You betcha,” he rasps before smacking my round rump lightly. “And you won’t have to walk, sweetheart. Here, I’ll carry you.” With that, he sweeps me into his arms bridal-style and I squeal, wrapping my arms tightly about his broad shoulders as he strides down the length of the cabin to the bathroom in back.
“Oooh, Daddy, my ass is dripping!” I scream with laughter. “Romy and George are going to see wet spots on the floor!”
But Stan doesn’t care at all. Instead, those blue eyes merely flare again as he whisks me into the privacy of the shower stall before pressing that huge form to my lush curves.
“Let them see,” he rasps into my ear before turning on the water with a jerk of the handle. “Because I want the world to know that you’re mine, Piper.”
With that, another session begins as Stan lathers my curves with soap before turning me around and giving it to me deep in the pussy, his seed overflowing my secret space as I scream with joy. I mewl and shudder, so happy to belong to the alpha male at last. But was he serious about declaring his ownership because our relationship is taboo, and that means keeping things on the downlow, right? The secrecy makes me a bit sad, but then it flies from my mind as Stan seizes my lips in another devastating kiss. After all, I’ve dreamed of this man for so long, and finally, he’s within my grasp.
Aweek later.
It’s almost the end of cheerleading camp, and it’s been wonderful. Actually, it’s been more than wonderful. Stan and I enjoy each other at every chance, and it’s been no holds barred sex on every surface of the cabin. He has me on my knees, on my back, bent over, and any which way he pleases. I love it so much, and even crazier, we’re sometimes doing it with Romy and George doing it at the same time too. I know it sounds twisted and perverted, and in some ways it is. But it can also be a turn on to have my best friend and her stepdad having incredible sex just a few feet away while my man’s hammering at my pussy or ass with his tool.
So yes, I guess you could say that all the boundaries have been crossed and that we’re way off into the deep end at this point. Stan’s seed constantly drips from my secret holes, and I’ve taken to wearing two pairs of panties at cheer practice just for the extra coverage. After all, I don’t want the other girls to suspect, although it’s getting more and more difficult. Stan and I share a number of secret glances all the time, and my fellow cheerleaders can be very attuned to this kind of thing. In fact, I’m surprised no one’s confronted us about the situation yet, but it is what it is.
But maybe nothing will happen because camp ends tomorrow, so it’ll be too late for anyone to say anything. Besides, at the moment, we’re literally packing before heading back to our regular lives. It’s going to be nice because I think Stan’s going to ask me to move in with him in the master bedroom, and then our deep poundings will assume an even greater frequency, not to mention intimacy.
A giggle escapes me as I tuck a t-shirt into my duffel.
“Something on your mind?” my man growls at me from across the cabin, busy folding his own things.
“Oh no,” I mewl. “Just looking forward to getting back, that’s all. But have you thought about sleeping arrangements, Stan?” I ask coyly. “What are you thinking?”
Those blue eyes flare, and he strides across the room, ready to take me in his arms again when suddenly, an ear-splitting alarm makes us both jolt and then draw back.
“What is that?” I ask.
Stan looks just as nonplussed.
“I think it’s a fire alarm,” he says. “Fuck it,” he adds, bending down to kiss me. “Let the forest burn.” But I bat him away, giggling.
“Stan, come on, we have to evacuate! Let’s go out into the main clearing. I feel like I saw in the orientation packet that that’s what we’re supposed to do when we hear a fire alarm.”
My man looks put out and disappointed, but he grumbles something and grabs his keys. With a spring to my step, I get into the truck and within minutes, we’re at the clearing in front of the main building where the other cheerleaders and staff mill about.
“What’s going on?” I ask brightly, hopping out of the truck. One girl shrugs and rolls her eyes.
“Who knows, but it could be a forest fire I suppose. I mean, there’s so much tinder around us,” she says, gesturing to the trees.
Good point. I look around and try to detect smoke, but there’s nothing. The clean, piney scent of the forest fills my nostrils, and as everyone watches, a police cruiser pulls up. A pudgy officer gets out, looking weary and disheveled.
“Hi Officer Wendell,” Nancy from the front desk greets. “Is there something we can help you with? Is there a fire? Our alarm went off, but I don’t think it was us. As you know, the station has the ability to pull the siren remotely from its location.”
The officer shakes his head and dusts himself off a bit.
“No, Nancy, there’s no fire. It’s not that. Can you gather everyone around please? The precinct asked me to come up here for what I’m sure is nothing, but it’s something that has to be addressed regardless.”
Puzzled looks are exchanged but the crowd forms in a loose circle around the middle-aged man, his big belly straining against his tan uniform.
“What can we do for you, Officer?” our head coach Mark asks, his brow furrowing. “We’re a cheerleading team here for practice before the school year begins.”
Officer Wendell looks around and nods, his eyes taking in everyone in the circle.
“Well, I thought you should know that we received a 9-1-1 call this morning.”