Page 95 of Destroy Me
Not wanting to just blurt out Abbie’s still in danger, I say, “The three of us will go with you.”
“The fuck?” Alek asks, looking stunned out of his mind.
Armani groans, and rolling his eyes, he mutters, “I don’t do shopping trips with socialites.”
Abbie scrunches her nose. “Yeah, I’m not so sure about that.”
I turn my attention to Aurora. “Either we go with, or you’re not setting foot off the grounds.”
Her gaze searches mine, then she nods. “It’s okay, Abbie. They can carry all the bags.”
“Oh, right, I didn’t think about that.”
“The fuck?” Alek repeats, still shell-shocked.
Abbie pats his thigh. “It’s okay, crazy man. It will give you some training for when you find a woman insane enough to date you.”
As if one bomb wasn’t enough, Aurora takes my hand and says, “Before I forget, we won’t be here the weekend of the sixteenth. It’s my mom’s birthday.”
“Where will you be?” I frown. “For how long?”
“At the Sartori vacation home here in Switzerland. It will just be for the Saturday and Sunday.”
“Then you’re coming back?” I check to make sure.
Aurora must read between the lines because she gives my hand a squeeze. “Yes. Don’t worry. It will be fine.”
Not if her father gets wind that we’re dating. Then he’ll probably lock her up, and I’ll be forced to break her out.
Which I will do. Make no mistake about that.
“About this Saturday,” Alek says when he has finally recovered enough to think straight. “I’m not carrying anyone’s bags.”
“Such a gentleman,” Abbie sighs, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “You’ll make me swoon if you carry on like that.”
He pins her with a cold stare that would make a grown man piss himself. “Just in case there’s a misunderstanding, I don’t give a fuck about you. I’m going for Misha.”
Thank God the server arrives with our food.
Armani stands up and gestures for Alek to switch seats with him.
“Thanks, brother,” I mutter as a plate of steak is set down in front of me.
Armani gives me a chin lift before he steals one of Abbie’s calamari pieces.
She gives him a sweet smile. “Help yourself.”
My eyes narrow on them.
I’ve been talking to Armani about an arranged marriage between him and Tiana. I need it to happen, so I know my sister is married to a good man.
Aurora must’ve seen the expression on my face because she whispers, “Armani’s not her type. Relax.”
Everyone still hears what Aurora says because Abbie bursts out laughing. “Yeah, he’s a little too young for me.”
Alek shakes his head. “Armani’s older than you, woman.”