Page 69 of Destroy Me
I shake my head. “No, it just makes me the luckiest bastard on Earth.”
Done talking, I press her harder into the tiles and fuck her until she’s screaming, “Misha! Oh, God. Shit. I’m going to die. Fuck.” She gasps as her body starts to tremble, as if she’s having a seizure. Her mouth drops open, and ecstasy washes over her. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” she keeps whimpering as her orgasm hits.
“That’s it,moy malen'kiy olen',” I encourage her to lose total control. “You come so beautifully.”
While I’m lost in the vision in my arms, I find my release for a second time, deep in her body.
Chapter 21
Lying on my bed, I stare at Misha’s sleeping face.
Am I dreaming?
He dozed off for a couple of minutes, and with his features relaxed, I get a good look at him. He doesn’t look as dangerous, and the hard lines around his mouth are gone, reminding me of the man I met in the club.
My eyes drift to his arms, and I take in the tattoos. I wonder what the wings, snakes, and praying hands mean.
On his right arm, more writing has been added to the stars.
I struggle to read it and give up with a huff, my finger lightly tracing the outline of a star.
“They’re names of the people I’ve killed,” Misha admits, his voice soft as if he’s not confessing to murders.
My gaze jumps to his face, and I watch as his eyes open. Slowly, he turns his head to look at me. “After every kill, I add the name.”
Misha shrugs. “It’s like wearing a badge of honor.”
I sit up, pulling the sheet up to cover my breasts. My eyes fall to his hands. “Loyalty makes you family,” I whisper as I read the sentences on the back of his left hand.
Reality sets in like a bitter pill, and when Misha climbs off the bed and starts to get dressed, my stomach sinks.
Walking to my side of the bed, his fingers grip my chin, forcing me to tilt my head back and look at him. We stare for a moment, my eyes pleading with him to stay and his saying how sorry he is.
He presses a tender kiss to my lips, and I hear him inhale my scent, then he lets go and walks out of the bedroom.
I hear the door of the suite shut and close my eyes against the unbearable ache in my chest.
It was just a dream.
Needing to get away from the scent of our lovemaking, I scramble out of the bed and throw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.
I grab my keycard, and shoving it into my pocket, I rush out of the suite. I knock on Abbie’s door, but when she doesn’t answer, I frown and wonder where she is.
I head down the hallway, and taking the stairs down, I check the dining hall and some of the classes. When I reach the room where the evading and escaping kidnapping lessons occur, I hear Abbie shout, “I’m going to fucking rip your balls off!”
I dart inside and jog to the backdoor that leads to the warehouse.
Seeing Abbie still tied to a chair with Alek grinning evilly at her, I lose my temper and dart forward.
Alek’s eyes snap to me, and he watches as I start to untie Abbie.