Page 115 of Destroy Me
Promises. Promises. Don’t threaten me with an orgasm.
He reads the message immediately, and a second later, my phone starts vibrating.
“Hey,” I answer the call with a massive smile on my face. “Miss me already?”
“Of course,” he mutters. “I don’t like when you’re away from me.”
There’s a teasing tone to my voice as I say, “This is the first time.”
“And hopefully the last.”
I hear a noise as if the SUV is being hit by a hail storm and shriek when something bounces off the window.
“What happened?” Misha demands.
“I don’t–” My reply is cut off by Elio yelling, “Get down behind the seats.”
“What the fuck is going on?” Misha roars in my ear as I quickly slide down between the seats.
This time when the SUV is hit by another spray of bullets, I scream, “It’s an attack!”
Jesus, not again.
Abbie covers her head while letting out a desperate cry.
Misha’s tone is deceptively calm as he says, “Aurora, listen to me. You have to be brave for me. Look out the window and tell me what you see.”
“Oh Jesus,” I whimper as I stretch my neck and peek outside, then I ramble, “Black SUVs. No number plates.” I pause as I get a look at one of the shooters. “Asian male.”
We’re shot at again as Elio swerves around other cars, trying to lose our attackers.
“It’s not the bratva,” he says with dead certainty. “Don’t end the call. Put your phone in your pocket or shirt. Try to hide the device from the fuckers as long as possible, so I can hear what’s happening,” Misha orders, then he shouts, “Alek, Armani, I need you!”
“Misha,” I whimper as the SUV swerves again. “I’m scared.”
“I know,krasivaya, but you’re a strong woman. Remember your training. Don’t go down without a fight.”
I nod like crazy, even though I doubt my training will do me any good.
The SUV shudders and lurches as something slams into us, and I scream, “I love you!”
“Stay calm and focused,” Misha shouts. “I’m coming for you. Hide the phone. Now!”
I shove the device between my breasts, then grab Abbie’s hand. Our eyes lock for a moment before there’s a hard slam into the back of the SUV. The vehicle lifts into the air for a second before it swerves badly and flips over.
Abbie lets out a blood-curdling scream, and her hand is ripped from mine as I’m slammed against the roof and thrown into a world of darkness.
My mind is a groggy mess as I shake my head.
My body aches everywhere, and I let out a groan as I pry my eyes open.
What the hell?
I only get a glimpse of a man fiddling with a camera before my head rolls back, and I stare at chains secured to a ceiling.
I hear someone speaking in what I think is Japanese or another Asian language. The words are short and angry, and it clears some of the fog from my mind.
My head rolls back, and the man comes into view again. He shouts something in his language, then I watch as he turns my handbag upside down, spilling the contents over the floor.