Page 27 of Bartholomew
Those soft lips rose in a slight smile.
I turned the handle to make the water warm so she would be comfortable, even though I still felt the heat scorch my skin. My hand guided the bar across the back of her shoulders, down her spine, and then around her stomach. Once everything was soapy, I gripped her tits in both hands and massaged them with her back to my chest.
“I don’t think those are dirty,” she said.
I bent my neck down so I could catch her lips. “They feel filthy to me.” I kissed her in the shower, her small body coated in the soap my hands had created. My arms kept her close to me, the water pouring down on us both. It got in her hair and soaked it, but she didn’t seem to care.
My hand slid down her stomach, and my fingers landed on the button that made her sing. She pushed back lightly into my hand, like even after the hours we’d spent together, she could keep going.
Keep going forever.
* * *
I answered the door. “You can set up everything at the dining table.”
“Of course, sir.” The waiter from room service pushed his cart into the dining room and set up our dinner. A bottle of wine for the table along with a large pitcher of water. Our two entrees with a silver dome on top to keep the food warm. And a basket of bread and butter in the center, not that I would touch it.
I signed the receipt and slipped the cash inside before he left the room.
The second the door clicked closed, Laura appeared, wrapped in a white robe she’d found in the closet. “Is he gone?”
“Good. I’m starving.”
My phone had lit up with twenty calls and countless text messages, but nothing seemed urgent, so I ignored it.
She took a seat at the table and removed the lid to her dish. “This looks good.”
In just my boxers, I sat across from her and looked at my meal. It was a steak with a side of greens and mashed potatoes.
She smeared butter on her bread and dug into the pasta dish she ordered. Her hair was dry and combed after she’d used the hair dryer in the bathroom, and the way her hair framed her face was hypnotizing for some inexplicable reason.
She caught my stare again and met it.
I didn’t look away.
She held the stare for a few moments, but then she looked down at her food again. “Haven’t heard from you in a while.”
I dropped the linen in my lap and grabbed the utensils. “Busy with work.”
“I can imagine.”
“I used to have an equal, but he left a few years ago.”
“An equal?”
“Another me, basically. Since there’s too much work for one single person.”
“Why did he leave?”
“Had a kid. Knocked up some woman he couldn’t stand.”
“Sounds like a happy story…”
If only she knew. “Things are better now. He’s married with another on the way.”
“And the mother?”