Page 81 of Harder Betrayal
She gave a slight jolt when she saw me, like she’d expected me to go in peace.
I stared at her pants for a few seconds. “Those are mine.” They were at least ten sizes too big, so long they had to be rolled at the bottom several times so they wouldn’t drag on the floor. She must have taken them when she left, a souvenir to remember me by.
“All my stuff is in the wash…” She drew closer, her arms latched across her chest. “I want you to go, Cauldron.”
“You do?” I asked. “You were so concerned for my well-being that you involved yourself in this plot, yet you want me to go?”
“Just because I don’t want you to die doesn’t mean I want to be anywhere near you.”
I remained seated.
Her eyes slowly narrowed in annoyance. “Why are you always so stubborn?”
It was impossible to silence the laugh that ripped out of my mouth. “I’m the stubborn one…”
“I asked you to leave, and you won’t. That’s the definition of the word.”
“So what if I’d died tonight? What if Roan had suspected what I was doing and shot me in the stomach? I bled out and died right on the floor?”
She did her best to keep up her angry look, but it was waning.
“I think you’d be pretty upset.”
“Like I said a million times, just because I don’t want you to die—”
“You still love me.”
She went rigid at the accusation, her eyes angry.
“So we’re going to make this work.”
Her eyebrows slowly furrowed like I’d said the wrong thing. “Love was never the problem, Cauldron.Youwere the problem. That hasn’t changed. Sit in that chair all you want. It’s not going to change who you are. It’s not going to change the fact that you’re incapable of not sabotaging every good thing in your life. I’ve given you plenty of chances, and I won’t give you another, not a single one.” The fire in her eyes was fueled like gasoline had been splashed right on top. Flames soared into the sky. Her cheeks reddened like she’d been burned. So much anger was stuffed into that small body.
I got to my feet and buttoned the front of my suit.
She immediately stiffened.
I drew close, my eyes homing in on hers.
Out of stubbornness, she wouldn’t move.
Fine by me. “I’ve been a nice guy up until this point. But no more.”
Her eyes narrowed. “And what’s that supposed to mean?”
I came in closer, our lips almost touching. “I paid for a service. And I expect that service.” My eyes switched back and forth between hers, seeing the way she struggled to process that rage.
“Fuck you—”
My hand gripped her by the neck quicker than she could react. Now she was against the wall, winded by my sudden movements, her hands on my wrist and trying to tug free. It was no use. I didn’t budge.
Her eyes locked on mine, furious but defeated.
I came in close. So close I could smell champagne on her breath. My eyes watched her lips for a moment before I looked at her once more. She was completely still. Not even breathing. “Be ready at eight.”
“Ready for what?”
My fingers squeezed her a little tighter. “Me.”