Page 7 of Harder Betrayal
“You can leave when you have a place to stay. I’ll help you find an apartment and get you settled.”
“You don’t have to do that—”
“I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do, so that must mean I want to.”
I stared at the man behind the desk, feeling like I was meeting him for the first time. He was different than I remembered. “Well…thank you.” I got to my feet and left the office, feeling his powerful eyes pierce me in the back like bullets.
Hugo set the tray at the edge of the desk.
My breakfast tray was there, untouched.
He did his best to compose himself and hide his deep offense. “You haven’t eaten breakfast in three days, Mr. Beaufort.”
My eyes stayed on my computer. “Not hungry.”
“Then I’ll stop bringing you breakfast until told otherwise.”
I ignored him.
He arranged my lunch tray, removing the silver platters that kept my food covered. “Have you spoken to Camille?”
My head turned at the question, stunned that he would step above his station and ask me such a thing.
He immediately cowered at the look on my face. “My apologies.”
I turned back to the computer, pissed off that her name had been spoken.
Once he had everything gathered on the tray, he lifted it and prepared to leave. But he lingered, lingered like he was at odds with himself, like he wanted to be stupid and say something he shouldn’t. “Mr. Beaufort?”
I was so close to firing his ass.
“I’m sure you know I never cared for Camille.”
My eyes were ice-cold.
“But you seemed happy…and now you aren’t.”
I couldn’t believe he had the balls to say that to me.
He turned away when my stare became too much. “Perhaps I spoke out of turn—”
“You did.”
He froze at the venom in my voice.
“Mind your business and go fucking clean something.”
He remained frozen on the spot, but his hands shook as he held the tray.
“I said, get out.”
He turned back to me, looked me in the eye, and dropped the tray on my desk. “I’ll just get my things and be on my way.”
My eyes snapped wide open.