Page 64 of Harder Betrayal
“She’s indispensable.”
What the fuck?
His hand returned to the skull at the edge of the armrest. “Our business has concluded.”
I couldn’t walk away. I couldn’t sleep knowing this asshole was balls deep in my girl every night. He refused to sell her, and she liked him, and that meant it could get serious if I didn’t intervene. “Bartholomew, there has to be something I can do—”
“Leave.” Now his voice turned sinister, like the beast inside him had stirred. “I kindly listened to your request. I gave you an inch—don’t you dare ask for a mile. Leave now, and we part on good terms. Overstay your welcome, and you’ll be another skull upon this chair.”
* * *
It was raining.
Soaked to the bone, we stepped into the bar.
The bartender looked at us in disapproval but didn’t dare voice it.
Grave and I took a seat on the leather stools, our clothes heavy from being drenched. The scotch was poured and placed in front of us, and I slouched against the counter, utterly defeated.
“At least he didn’t kill you.”
“I wish I were dead…” I threw my head back and took a drink.
“Did he ask for too much?”
“He said she wasn’t for sale—for any price. I offered him fifty million, and he didn’t blink an eye over it. He said she’s indispensable…whatever the fuck that means. The guy’s a fucking prick too.”
“Why’s he a prick?”
“He just is.” I took another drink.
“You tried.”
“And I’ll try again.”
Grave turned to me, alarm on his face. “Don’t kick the hornet’s nest.”
“There has to be something he wants.”
“You already asked.”
I slammed the glass down. “There has to besomething.”
Grave pried the empty glass from my fingertips before I could shatter it. He pushed it forward so the bartender could refill it. “He’s in business with Roan, but that doesn’t mean anything. They could be allies or enemies.”
“What does that mean?”
“I know Bartholomew is an ambitious guy. Maybe he hands off his supplies to Roan to sell in Croatia. Or maybe he wants to eliminate Roan so he can sell directly in Croatia. There’s no way to know unless we ask. But the second you ask…”
“I’m showing my hand.” And that could be deadly.
“I don’t need to tell you it’s a bad idea.”
“I’m desperate.”
“Even if this works, that doesn’t mean Camille will cooperate.”
“She’ll have to cooperate.”