Page 7 of His Puppet
I’m okay.
Find shelter. That’s what I need to do. The streets of Las Vegas are no longer safe for me. They aren’t safe for anyone, really, unless you know how to survive on them. Lucky for me, I have years of experience with that.
I don’t feel so lucky right now, though.
My mind whirs as I run through a plan, searching my memory for some destination that can’t be tracked, but when I’m feet from the sidewalk, the man spins around the corner, his smile wide.
I try to stop, but I’m running too fast to kill my momentum, and I crash into him. I jump back and am caught like a deer in the headlights, my eyes wide and mouth open.
He lifts his chin and gives me a wink. “Boo.”
I gasp and spin to run away, but he’s already got me. He wraps an arm around my neck and squeezes until I can’t breathe, and I violently thrash against him, my claws raking over his flesh while I throw my head back in an attempt to connect with his jaw. My legs lift off the ground, and I kick.
I open my mouth, but no sound escapes. No oxygen enters my lungs.
An electric shock courses through me, and every muscle in my body contracts in the most sudden and intense pain I’ve ever felt. I can feel my eyes bulging but can’t see anything past the pain.
Just as fast as it came, it’s gone.
The man lets go of me, and I crumple to the ground. I flip onto my ass and try to back scoot on my hands, but I freeze when I spot the taser in his grasp.
A car pulls onto the side of the street in front of the alley, and I dart my eyes behind him and consider yelling out. The thought vanishes like a puff of smoke. That was how he was able to make it around the block so fast. He’s with whoever is in the car.
“All right, Polly, that’s enough of the fun for now.” He offers me his hand as if we’ve been playing a game with each other. I stare at it.
“The boss man’s got some questions for ya.”
It’s too quiet in my place at night.
I’ve lived in this remote house near the poppy fields for two years now, and it’s still an adjustment. In the city, there’s always some sort of noise, even late into the night. Car doors slamming. Police sirens. Neighbors coming and going. Here, in my living room, it’s silent.
I take a deep breath, my nose in my glass, and inhale the scent of my scotch. It’s good. A twenty-five year Macallan. I’m usually a Cognac guy, but when the don gives you a gift, you take it.
My phone rings, and I snatch it off my coffee table and check the caller ID.
Speaking of…
I answer Settimo’s call and put the phone to my ear. I’ve been expecting this. Anyone managing to steal from us is bad, but when the thief is a petite woman who manages to get away, it’s downright embarrassing. For me, for the don, and for the rest of the familia.
An apology is on the tip of my tongue when Settimo speaks without greeting.
“Have you found her?”
I lean forward and set the glass on the table. “No, sir. Not yet, but Victor should be checking in anytime now.”
There’s a pause while Settimo sighs. “Are you sure he’s the right man for the job?”
“He’s the best.”
“I’ve got Leo with him to make sure he’s being discreet. Last I spoke with him, they had a lead on where the girl was. Someone thought they might have seen her hanging around Twenty-first and Sixth.”
There’s a pause, and then a noise that sounds like a door closing. “How do you plan on handling this once she’s caught?”