Page 124 of Twisted Roses
“Mymotherchose the bed she laid in. If you’re expecting me to be guilt-tripped, you’re mistaken, Pop. I pitied her, but I didn’t shed a tear losing her. I don’t give a fuck that she’s gone.”
The top of his fat lip curls. “She was a very different woman when I met her. So tall and slim, like a model. Golden hair and beautiful eyes. You have them. Her eyes.”
I have no clue where the hell any of this is going, but my patience is wearing thin. If Lucius thinks he’ll win my sympathy, he’s sorely mistaken.
“She had a lot of suitors. A lot of men in the family courting her. Leandro was very clear he wouldn’t choose just any man to marry her. It was an open secret who won her hand likely would succeed him heading the family.”
“I don’t give a fuck,” I snap. I lean slightly forward over the table. “I already know how this story goes. You manipulated the competition and won her hand. You backstabbed Leandro and took over first chance you got.”
He cracks an ugly grin. “I did what I had to do. But, your mother, I did care about her at one point.”
“Until you were no longer worthy of her. Isn’t that right, Pop? She didn’t accept you as you hoped. Yourepulsedher—”
“She repulsed me,” he interrupts. “I wanted nothing to do with her.”
“You don’t get to reject somebody who’s already rejected you. By the way, whatever happened to her phone? How about those photo albums that went missing?”
He chuffs out a short laugh. “Photo albums? What photo albums are any concern of yours,scarafaggio. Anything of mine is no concern of yours, and yet you refuse to listen.”
“Those things going missing tells me their importance. It also tells me maybe, just maybe, Pop, you weren’t so indifferent of what your drunk wife thought of you after all. Admit it, you cared. You’ve always cared, because it was nothing but a reminder for you—”
“I have never lost,” he shouts over me. His fat fingers clinch around his glass of scotch, betraying the coolness in his voice. “You really want to go up against me? You really want my wrath?”
“The Five Families meet in only a few months. I can’t wait for them to get to know you. Therealyou.”
“I will never let you get that far. You’ve always thought you’re big and bad. Even when you were a boy. You thought you were invincible. It used to fucking grate me, that smug little face of yours. I wanted to pummel those grins off. So I did. Every chance I got.”
“I was there.”
“Believe it or not, I’ve gone easy on you. You don’t understand the hell I will bring to your life,” he says. “Leandro, I killed him. Pizzuto, I killed him. Visconti, I killed him. Every enemy that has gone up against me has failed… and not only failed but been crushed into nothing. Into a shell of a man, broken and bleeding.
“Men stronger than you. You do not want to fuck with me, Salvatore. I’m giving you this last out. Walk away, or you will regret it for the rest of your short life. I will bring you to your knees. I will make you sob like the pathetic little boy you still are deep down inside. You will kiss my feet and you willbeg. Beg for mercy. Beg for death.”
I stare him hatefully in the eye, my jaw squared hard enough it aches. But I can’t deny it—as powerful as the hate I have for him is, there’s another emotion there too. A fleeting tremor that’s reminiscent of the fear I once felt in his presence as a boy. Back then, aged seven or eight, I used to piss myself when he’d come collect me, knowing the hours of torment I was in for…
Regardless, I keep my face composed and emotionless, an expression of steel.
“I’m not afraid of you,” I say calmly. “Take your offer and shove it up your fat ass. I’m not going to stop until I destroy you. Then you can kill me. Maybe we’ll see each other in hell.”
I get up without another word and turn around, striding for the door. He lets me go several paces before he clicks his tongue in a pitying fashion. When I glance over my shoulder, he’s shaking his head side to side. His flat features have contorted to evil delight, along with the sinister gleam in his gaze.
“Watch yourself,” he warns. “Every waking moment you should be waiting, Salvatore. I will be coming for you, not foe-to-foe, not as equals. But as a father who seeks to destroy the son he created. I’m your god. I gave you life. Now I’m going to take it away.”
“You underestimate how much I hate you, Pop. Good luck.”
I leave him seated in the den. The heaviness of his gaze follows me all the way out of the room. Even outside as I make it to my Mustang and slide behind the wheel. I hit the gas and leave the home I’ve spent every minute hating behind.
In the hour it takes me to drive from Westoria to Northam, I’m zoned out. I’m deep in my thoughts, combing over the interaction with Lucius, and what was said. I won’t pretend this war between us will be easy, but I also won’t go down without making him suffer.
No matter if I die, I won’t take my last breath until I’ve ruined him. Until I’ve carried out my revenge.
But it’s time to stop slacking. In recent months, I’ve been so focused on other endeavors, I’ve taken my focus off my revenge scheme against Lucius.
The meeting between the Five Families will be here soon. Soon he’s going to regret the day he ever gave me life, as he called it.
I park in the underground garage and then ride to the top floor of the compound. As we inch into the fall season, the long days have shortened, and the sun’s started setting earlier. I’m pondering what Delphine and I should do for dinner as I approach the loft door.
I’m greeted only by silence and Salt and Pepa slinking toward me. I crouch and spend a moment stroking them hello.