Page 40 of One Night Stand (Vegas After Dark)
“Sir, yes, sir.” She barely gets the words out before two crazy girls come barreling from the other room into the kitchen, slamming on the brakes when they see the two of us are home. That doesn’t stop Bailey. Her arms are out, and she’s at the ready to hug Cammy and Piper, more than likely peppering them with hugs and kisses even though she saw them not even twenty-four hours ago. I’d be a fool not to make Bailey my wife, and fucking soon.
“Bai-Bai, you home!” Piper squeals, ready to bounce, hands up and at the ready for Bailey to lift her up. That can’t happen just yet. While she was released, it was with a few sets of restrictions, and that included lifting anything over ten pounds, as well as getting her stitches wet from the small incision on the left side of her head that took the brunt of the hit. I bend down, picking her up to hold her while she gives Bailey her arms and a wet kiss. Cammy is wrapped around her legs, holding on for dear life. I need to get my girls to a couch, and soon. Bailey has one arm wrapped around Cammy, the other on Piper’s back, soothing them both in a gentle manner.
“Alright, girls, why don’t we go to the couch? Then you can both give Bailey all kinds of love. We have to be careful, though.” Mom comes around the corner, watching our family that was once only the three of us and is now becoming the four of us.
“I think that’s a good idea.” Bailey winces, trying to hide it from everyone, except she can’t from me. We make our way into the living room, Cammy right beside her, holding her hand, Piper squirming in my arms, wanting to get closer to Bailey. It’s not until she’s settled, a blanket draped across her lap, pillow pressed against her middle, that I put Piper on her feet, worried when she starts to climb up on the couch and onto Bailey.
“Careful.” It comes out sharper than I intended. Piper didn’t need it, though. The girl is light as a feather and gentle like she needs to be. Cammy settles in next to her. Bailey looks the calmest she’s been since I told her about Krissy being the number-one suspect in the car accident. At first, we thought it was random, someone seeing a young woman with two kids in an expensive SUV, thinking more along the lines of a carjacking situation. Never this.
“I’m going to go make a few phone calls. Are you alright for a few minutes?” I ask Bailey. Her head is tipped back, eyes closed, as she nods a small nod along with giving me a serene smile.
“Mom, you good to stay for a couple of more hours?” I move to where she’s standing and wrap my arms around her to give her a hug, since I was unable to when we first got here. Bailey and the girls needed me more. I’ve got to call Madden to see what he found. I may have my own corner of the business side of things when it comes to planning buildings, dealing with a different kind of area in this world. Madden has technology on his side, knowing how and who to use in order for us to see if any video feeds on the cameras the department of transportation have at red lights, highways, and certain street corners.
“Of course. Take your time. I’m going to get dinner started while they hang out. I’m sure you’ve got maybe an hour before Bailey will be chomping at the bit for a shower, though.”
“Truth be told, I’m surprised she’s not demanding one right now.” I move out of the hug and go back to the girls, placing a kiss on each of their foreheads. It’s kind of hard to keep that cat in the bag anymore. The girls know I’ve been with Bailey while she’s been at the hospital. When they came to visit, my hands didn’t stop from touching her either.
“Hey, did you ever figure out where my purse and phone went?”
“They’re here at the house. Madden stopped at the car depot where the SUV is being held until the insurance company can come to adjust it.” Bailey has her own car. It’s currently sitting at her parents’ house. While she was taking the kids to and from all of their schooling and other errands, it wasn’t right to put the wear and tear on her car. It’s safe to say the Lexus GX is totaled. It did its job, protecting everyone, so much so that I’ll be repurchasing it in a different color for Bailey.
“Did my phone survive, do you know?” I move to the table that’s by the front door, opening it until I find the phone.